>My family and I recently came back from a small vacation to our sister island Curacao. We went for our yearly convention, and I enjoyed it tons.
Babywearing and this one picture
Friday, September 30, 2011 | Posted by Admin at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Substance in Breastmilk Kills Cancer
Substance in Breast Milk Kills Cancer Cells, Study Suggests
ScienceDaily (Apr. 23, 2010) — A substance found in breast milk can kill cancer cells, reveal studies carried out by researchers at Lund University and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Although the special substance, known as HAMLET (Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumour cells), was discovered in breast milk several years ago, it is only now that it has been possible to test it on humans. Patients with cancer of the bladder who were treated with the substance excreted dead cancer cells in their urine after each treatment, which has given rise to hopes that it can be developed into medication for cancer care in the future.
Discovered by chance
HAMLET was discovered by chance when researchers were studying the antibacterial properties of breast milk. Further studies showed that HAMLET comprises a protein and a fatty acid that are both found naturally in breast milk. So far, however, it has not been proven that the HAMLET complex is spontaneously formed in the milk. It is speculated, however, that HAMLET can form in the acidic environment of the babies´ stomachs. Laboratory experiments have shown that HAMLET kills 40 different types of cancer, and the researchers are now going on to study its effect on skin cancer, tumours in the mucous membranes and brain tumours. Importantly, HAMLET kills only cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells.
Studying the integration of the substance
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg are focusing on how HAMLET can be taken up into tumour cells. The researchers, Roger Karlsson, Maja Puchades and Ingela Lanekoff, are attempting to gain an in-depth understanding of how the substance interacts with cell membranes, and their findings were recently published in the journal PLoS One.
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Adapted from materials provided by University of Gothenburg.
Journal Reference:
Mossberg et al. HAMLET Interacts with Lipid Membranes and Perturbs Their Structure and Integrity. PLoS ONE, 2010; 5 (2): e9384 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0009384
Need to cite this story in your essay, paper, or report? Use one of the following formats:
MLA University of Gothenburg (2010, April 23). Substance in breast milk kills cancer cells, study suggests. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 27, 2010, from http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2010/04/100419132403.htm
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Posted by Admin at 2:56 AM 0 comments
What's the deal with a homebirth?
I've managed to have almost fanatically talked my co-worker into giving birth to her (not yet conceived) second child at home- in a birth tub. She's excited about it, she looked up information on it and is basically set and ready : mentally. When our boss walked in one day and heard her, he put on this look of utter dismay and horror. 'At home?!' He cried out. 'Are you nuts?!?!?!' Then I set out to talk myself blue in the face to even try to get him to listen. I know his type, the ignorant type who know of ONE homebirth gone wrong and doesn't care if there are an octillion studies saying that homebirth is safe.Which prompted me to ask on my Facebook. What DO people think about homebirth...? I have a considerable amount of birth advocates on my facebook so I knew I would get facts out of their answers... however, I wanted to know what others think, what young people think about Homebirths. Here are some responses:
- This is a great option that should be more widely available to new moms-to-be, but dare mantion to family and friends your plans :"what are you crazy??" will be their response
- I really prefer giving birth at a hospital...for in any case of emergency........although.
..if there where good midwife and good good planning I would consider. but then again I'm still up for giving birth at a hospital.....or a birthing home I will do for sure.....where they have everything available to help you. Because at the hospital you are limited in many ways...like doing what suits you best to ease the pain (you're stuck on the bed) and how many people can come in to support. Maybe since it is not usual here in Aruba, people will have to be informed about this.
- The way the population is growing.... I think it should be a possibility... If something should go wrong, there's always a hospital an Centro Medico... Aruba is a small island so it won't be difficult to reach in time!!! I'm planning for my next baby, a water birth @ home!!! So 2 in 1!!!!
- My sister had her daughter at home on July 31st. I was lucky enough to get to be there, in the other room. It was incredible.
- I think I'm still a little far from being very very very certain I will accomplish it (next time), it takes some support. I didn't really have it, my husband was worried something BAD would happen to me so though he was Yes-mamming me for the home waterbirth; he secretly agreed with my mom and was relieved when it didn't happen that way... (I knew all along which made my resolve less strong of course).
- My midwife has a 2% transfer rate--for all reasons--complications, fear, etc. Knowledge is power! And the hospital is far from empowering! And I had an absolutely wonderful perfect birth at home in the water with my daughter, born at 37 weeks after 6 hours of labor and 2 real pushes!
- For women that trust their bodies, it is a great option. For ones who rely on the medical field to birth their babies, not so much.
- I think a lot of people don't realize that 99.9% of complications leave plenty of time for transfer to a hospital. In Utah 3 in 10 "first time mothers" transfer, and 1 in 10 of second time mothers. Not necessarily because of complications, but because of fear.
So, what can help a woman make her choice to have a homebirth? Where can she turn for reliable guidance? How will an expectant mother know that a homebirth is the choice for her? I went to Midwifery.com to get the facts - not the scare-you-into-a-hospital-birth nor the -sensationalized-birthing-experience. Just hard facts, straight up. Here's what I found of interest
Until recently, homebirth has been the natural mode of delivery since the beginning of humankind. It has only been in the last century that out-of-home birthing became the norm, a change engineered by ambitious men during a time when it was believed best to bring the natural world under control. What resulted in the birthing world was a surge into the hospital. It started with a fad, developed into a sign of prestige, then became pervasive when fear took over. With it came the inevitable spiral of cause and effect: the more intervention was introduced, the more it was needed, until birth was no longer recognizable as a natural process in human experience. Instead, it had been orchestrated into an assembly line procedure complete with time constraints, quotas, indifferent workers, procedures manuals, and loss of individual rights and autonomy.
The advent of obstetrics in this century had a tremendous effect on childbirth customs in the United States. The birthing process became segregated from mainstream family life. Many were led to believe that the only safe birth was a hospital birth. Though doctors and hospitals took credit for statistics that indicated that birth was more successful than in previous centuries, in reality better nutrition, hygiene and disease control improved outcomes. Hospitals have never been proven a safe place to have a baby.By the 1950s, most births in the US were taking place in hospitals. Cesareans, epidurals and heavy doses of pain medication became the norm. Women were denied feeling and experiencing birth through their bodies, and the drugs were having adverse effects on mothers and babies.In the 1960s and '70s, women began to question and challenge the way obstetricians were treating them—as though childbirth were a sickness. Women began to reclaim their power, and the homebirth movement was born. The 1990s became a time of maternity awareness. People were concerned with making all of pregnancy and birth a family experience. Today, a carefully monitored homebirth has been proven to be very safe and successful for women who have been helped to stay low-risk through nutrition and good prenatal care.
A woman feels in control of her birth process when she births at home. In the hospital, institutional standards are in control. It's hard to believe that most women would choose the latter. But fear of supposed consequences and fear of responsibility and one's own power seem to discourage a lot of today's expectant women.
Even though research has validated its efficacy, homebirth is still seen as unsafe. Cultural trends, an overzealous media, clever marketing, power mongering, rumors and fear perpetuate that view
One of the main concerns about homebirth voiced by many women is the lack of emergency care readily available if the need should arise. A good homebirth midwife, however, is well trained in avoiding and handling complications and performing neonatal resuscitation. She has the proper tools with which to control hemorrhage if the need arises. She is well versed in normal birth and is willing and ready to transport a woman to the hospital if it becomes necessary. Because she has come to know the woman on an intimate level, having done all the lengthy prenatals herself, she is well equipped to handle emotional issues that may arise during birth. Her intuition and instinct are consciously developed and their use is a priority in the kind of care she gives. She is comfortable with offering massage and hugs and cradling the woman in her arms. When a homebirth midwife follows these simple and practical standards and techniques, statistics on homebirth outcomes look very sweet indeed.
Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities by Henci Goer presents statistics gathered worldwide that clearly demonstrate the safety of homebirth with a trained attendant. Yet even though research has validated its efficacy, homebirth is still seen as unsafe. Cultural trends, an overzealous media, clever marketing, power mongering, rumors and fear perpetuate that view.
A mother choosing a homebirth must, above all else, deeply desire to give birth at home. The most successful homebirthers are highly committed and trust their body's natural ability to birth. They devote time and energy to finding the right birth practitioner, doing their own research and taking care of themselves.Families that choose homebirth may be confronted by family members and friends who, conditioned by a society afraid of out-of-hospital births, challenge their decision, feeling it is both unwise and unsafe. Again, a strong inner commitment is required to stand up for the right to birth as the family chooses. Showing family members the evidence is sometimes helpful.
Planning your Homebirth
The first step in planning your homebirth is to find a provider that will suit your needs. This is important to do as early on in pregnancy as possible, as it will give you time should you not find anyone yet to support the idea. We are fortunate here in Aruba that atleast two of the four midwife practices here on Aruba, do homebirths. And atleast one does waterbirths as well. So finding a caregiver that will support your wishes are not an issue at all. It must be noted though that, if you are looking to have a HBAC ( home birth after cesarean) this will be a probable impossibility unless you are planning an unassisted home birth. When contemplating and searching for the "right" midwife for your homebirth you can ask questions such as :
- What is your philosophy of birth?
- What are your policies on homebirth?
- How many succesful homebirths have you had so far?
- How many failed homebirths have you had so far?
- Would you consider me a candidate for homebirth? No, why not?
- What equipment and back up plans do you have should a complication arise?
- Do you have and maintain good communication with the Ambulance and hospital should the need arise to be tranported to the hospital in the event of an emergency?
These and other such questions will help you to asses whether you and your current midwife (because ob/gyn will never do homebirths) are on the same page.
The homebirth Scene
Homebirth allows for full participation of family members. Under the guidance and assistance of the midwife, husbands or partners have an opportunity to "catch" their child as it is born. These moments can be very powerful and transformational in the lives of the new parents.
At homebirths, babies are usually placed on the mom's stomach or breast immediately, providing security, warmth and bonding between mom and baby. In the rare case in which the baby has difficulty breathing on its own, midwives are fully trained in infant CPR. Usually, putting the baby right to the breast and having mom talk to her baby will encourage it to take those first breaths.
Putting the baby immediately to the breast also helps reduce any bleeding the mom may have. The sucking action stimulates the uterus and causes it to contract. This closes off blood vessels and reduces bleeding.
After a hospital birth, things can get very busy, with bright lights and many people carrying out procedures on the baby. This can cause a baby to shut down or shy away from people.
At home, on the other hand, there is time to be quiet, calm and peaceful. Those first moments are sacred-baby's special bonding time with parents. A new baby wants only love and nurturing. This early bonding allows the baby to relax and feel secure.
What us Birth Advocates hear over and over again is about how "when you're in a hospital, if something goes wrong, your baby's life and your life can be saved". And while the fear of something going wrong and complications arising are very real, for a low-risk pregnancy the chances are very small. Think about it this way, Imagine you're in the hospital with your midwife and a true emergency arises in which you need a c/s. You won't get it right that minute. The hospital has to contact the surgeon, the anestesiologist and get everyone geared up and scrubbed in. By the time you're actually in the operating suite, it has been about the same time it would have taken you, your unborn child, and midwife to get to the hospital. In the instance of being in transport to the hospital after a failed homebirth, you're operating team is already in place ready to receive you and start working on you. Since Aruba itself is so small, it would not take the recommended 30 minutes from "decision to incision".
Want to see studies on the safety of homebirth? Go here or here
Of course there are a plethora of studies supporting planned homebirth, and I will post more next time.
Posted by Admin at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Our Moedergroep of November 19th 2009
Topic: The Father's role in the breastfeeding relationshipAttendance : +/- 19
Every month Fundacion Pro Lechi Mama Aruba organizes what we call a "Moedergroep". It's where expectant parents, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd time parents come together to receive the most current and up-to-date information on all topics that are breastfeeding related. We also invite the moms and dads to join in and relate their experiences about the topic in discussion. It's a place not simply to learn stuff, like a class room, but more like a support group for those who are breastfeeding or who plan to do so. Those present from Pro Lechi Mama are professionals in the lactation field, ready to answer all of your questions. Let's look at some outstanding points from last night's discussion.
Minouche Lopez opened the moedergroep and discussed how
- a father may feel left out in the beginning of the breastfeeding relationship.
- Babies see their moms only as "tietie" or the source of nourishment and thus a strong attachment to mom
- Fathers shouldn't feel unduly concerned or guilty about this but that as the baby grows and gets older, this will change and the child will develop and forge stronger bonds with the father
- A question is asked to a mom who has had a child before " How did your husband support your decision to breastfeed?" - Mom's experience : "He didn't. I received the most help from my mom"
- The father's role is extremely important and can mean the difference between breastfeeding and formula feeding.
- Many mothers cite their reason for not continuing with breastfeeding was the lack of moral or support where house-hold chores are concerned. Fathers in our culture need to generally be more supportive, assuming more household duties during the first six turbulent weeks when breastfeeding cessation is at its highest risk.
- Fathers also need to recognize and be assertive when guests who come to visit, stay for too long, by taking his partner and baby's needs into consideration and politely asking the guests to return at another time.
- A father does well to understand that, as difficult as the first weeks and months are on him, his wife/partner needs his full support to be able to continue.
- Many mothers need and deserve the moral support of her partner reassuring her with words such as "You're doing such a fantastic job nursing" or "I know these problems are very painful and exhausting for you, but keep it up, and these problems will subside, I know you can get through it!"
- The more children the couple has, the more essential and important the role of the father becomes. With each subsequent baby, it is harder for a mother to successfully breastfeed her baby. A supportive father does well to help as much as is possible around the house and with older children, to give the new mom and baby a good rest and chance to recover from the birth.
- As one father there relates : "We had our children close together in age. My wife tandem fed both, I tried to help out as much as I could. While one child fed, I was with the other, playing and bonding. If for example, my wife needed to rest by herself at night, I would go and sleep in the other room with the baby, and bring the baby to her whenever he needed to feed and then return to sleep with the baby, giving my wife the much needed space and rest for that night."
- Sometimes a new mother needs her rest without the baby. What can dad do? Simple. After the child has nursed at the breast, proceed with the baby to another room to let mom rest. Having a sling is a life saver many times. Secure the baby in the sling close to you, grab a vacuum , and clean away! The white noise will lull any fussy baby to sleep, you'll get chores done all the while having one-on-one time with your baby!
We hope to see you at next month's moedergroep! Stay pending for the invitation
Thursday, September 29, 2011 | Posted by Admin at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Your newborn baby - how big is his stomach?

· day 1 - .25 oz
· day 2- .46 oz
· day 3 - .96 ozAccording to another study (2) breastfed babies regained their birth weight quicker or just as quick as their mixed feeding counterparts, which busts the myth of insufficient milk. In the study Group A represented exclusively breastfed infants and Group B represented the control group of mixed feedings (4 times daily from the breast - 6 times formula). The study goes on to note: "By the sixth day after birth, the weight increment in Group A is even higher than the newborns in the control group. Basing on the rate of increment, the average time required to regain their birth weight is 9.36 days in Group A, slightly less than 9.44 days in the control group."
Posted by Admin at 11:15 PM 0 comments
where there is no doctor
>Where There is No Doctor is a well-known "village health care handbook" by David Werner, Jane Maxwell, and Carol Thuman, published by [Hesperian]. This book is perhaps the most widely-used health care manual for health workers, clinicians, and others involved in primary health care delivery and health promotion programs around the world. With millions of copies in print in more than 75 languages, the manual provides practical, easily understood information on how to diagnose, treat, and prevent common diseases. Special attention is focused on nutrition, infection and disease prevention, and diagnostic techniques as primary ways to prevent and treat health problems. This 2007 reprint includes new material on preventing the transmission of blood-borne diseases, how HIV/AIDS is reflected in many health issues, and basic Antiretroviral treatment information, as well as updated information on children and aspirin, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, malaria treatments,
Posted by Admin at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: doctor
7 Ways Dads Can Bond With Their Baby That Don't Involve A Bottle
7 Ways Dads Can Bond With Their Baby That Don’t Involve A Bottle
One of the arguments I hear from so many moms as to why they have to give up breastfeeding, is that Dad feels left out. As my other half mentioned in another post, the one thing that Dads have no real place in, is breastfeeding. There are so many other ways to bond with your baby, that feeding is a moot point. And really Mom’s job
1. Bath your baby. Better still, bath with your baby. Co-Bathing and showering saves water, and gives you some lovely skin to skin bonding time.
2. Massage your baby. You can learn infant massage from a certified instructor, or from a DVD. Massaging your baby is soothing for both of you, and really beneficial for your tot.
3. Wear your baby – Baby wearing isn’t just for moms. Babies like the sound of Dad’s heartbeat too. Invest in a good quality baby carrier (Such as an Ergo) and enjoy the benefits as your baby sleeps, observes, and snuggles in nice and close.
4. Read to your baby – you can start this inutero One of the most beautiful moments after my son’s birth was watching him turn his head to his daddy’s voice, he recognised it from all the chatting and reading to him that was done while he was gestating!
5. Sing to your baby. Your baby doesn’t care if you’re a soprano or a bullfrog. Singing to your baby is a bit of fun, and can soothe them. There are lots of sites with nursery rhyme tunes, and words you can try out with your baby. Or you can do what my husband does, and make up silly songs.
6. Walk your baby. Get the pram (or sling) and get out there and enjoy the big wide world. Explain things to him, chat to him along the way. Babies take in and store everything, so you’re not just talkin to yourself.
7. Play with your baby – it might seem obvious, but just getting down on the the floor, and showing them toys, chatting about things, and simply “being” with your baby is wonderful. As I said, your baby takes in everything, and is constantly learning and developing. Newborns don’t “do” a great deal, but they are still learning all about the world, and their place in it – so show them!
You don’t need to feed your baby to be connected – there are a million and one things that go on during a baby’s day, and you can be a part of all of them. It gives Mom a break, and you can bond with your amazing little creature.
The author's webiste is:
Posted by Admin at 3:09 AM 0 comments
Nursing Mother Told "You can't be here" in Wal Mart
When Tanya Constable's 11-month-old daughter, Myra, started to cry yesterday morning while she was shopping, Constable did what any mother would do: she fed her.
The only problem? She was in a Langford Wal-Mart store, where her breastfeeding raised the ire of at least one employee.
"You can't be here," Constable, 27, says a female employee told her, suggesting she breastfeed in the washroom instead.
Constable, a child-care worker on maternity leave, asked to speak with a manager. "The manager said that if someone complains, the store's policy is to ask them to move," she said. According to Constable, there were no other customers in the baby section where she was nursing who could have complained.
So she decided to leave the store.
Kevin Groh, director of corporate affairs for Wal-Mart Canada, apologized on behalf of the store, saying that for the employee to suggest that Constable move to a washroom or changeroom was "wrong."
In fact, Groh said, Wal-Mart's policy for years has been "absolutely black and white." "Customers can breastfeed in whatever manner they see fit anywhere in the store."
Groh said yesterday's incident was a result of miscommunication. The employee who initially approached Constable did so not because she was breastfeeding, but because she was doing it on a rocking chair meant for display purposes only, he said.
Still, Groh admitted, Constable shouldn't have been asked to move to a washroom or changeroom. Groh said he's arranging for stores across Canada to remind their staff of the company's policy.
The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal does not have a policy regarding breastfeeding, although it does state that no person should be denied services based on their sex.
Last year, a Vancouver woman launched a complaint with the tribunal against H&M clothing store for asking her not to breastfeed. The complaint was later dismissed after the store apologized for the gaffe.
Rebekah Smith, a program coordinator for the Toronto-based Infant Feeding Action Coalition, says the group receives several calls a month from women across Canada who've been asked to relocate or be "discreet" about breastfeeding.
"Breastfeeding in public is not a crime," Smith said. "People need to start realizing that mothers have a legal right to nurse."
As for Constable, she said she was happy with the apology, but disappointed the incident had to happen in the first place.
"My baby has a right to eat," she said, adding Myra needs constant feeding because of a bladder infection that results in frequent urination.
"If people can walk by eating cheeseburgers from McDonald's in the store, then my baby can nurse," she said.
Posted by Admin at 2:55 AM 0 comments
Introduce Baby Food
>How To Introduce Baby Food To Your Baby
As your little one reaches the age of five or six months, it's time to start thinking about introducing semi-solid foods into his or her diet. Before then, mother's milk is the best food for a baby. Breast milk is easy to digest and provides a rich supply of vitamins and disease-fighting antibodies for the baby. It also fosters a close bonding experience between the baby and his or her mother.
While most mothers have enough milk to satiate their little one's hunger, the decision to breastfeed is a deeply personal one. Breastfeeding may not be preferable to all women. For mothers who can't breastfeed or who decide not to, baby formula is a healthy alternative.
Babies should be fed with semi-solids only after the rooting or sucking instinct leaves them. This happens by the fifth or sixth month. At first feeding time will be messy, and probably frustrating, as your baby gets used to the unfamiliar taste and texture of baby food. Some babies will cry because they cannot get food fast enough, while others will spit out the alien texture of semi-solid food. Lots of patience is needed until your baby develops a taste and appetite for the new kinds of food you are introducing into his or her diet.
It's a good idea to keep the use of store-bought jarred or tinned foods to the minimum. Many of them have additives, extra starch and high levels of sugar. If you decide to make your own baby food, hygiene should be your first concern, followed by nutrition.
- Rinse all equipment with hot water.
- Boil utensils such as spoons, knives and mashers.
- Do not store cooked food in the refrigerator for prolonged periods.
- Discard any leftover baby food, as bacteria forms quickly in unfinished meals.
- Make sure that you introduce new items slowly and in small doses.
- Start with baby cereal; then introduce vegetables and fruits; and then start introducing meats.
When you start introducing semi-solid foods to your baby, he or she should be reasonably hungry by mealtime, but not overly hungry. The first semi solid food all my children started with was iron-fortified infant rice cereal mixed with breast milk or formula. After that I started introducing vegetables; then fruits; then meats.
At the beginning, babies should have finely pureed foods, as they get a little older and have both upper and lower teeth for chewing, introduce foods that are a little chunkier. As your baby grows, introduce a wider variety of food. If he rejects something, replace it with something else. You can introduce the rejected item after a few weeks or a month.
Although the baby food you make yourself at home is best, not all parents have the time to make homemade baby food. There are some good commercial choices on the market today. Baby food manufacturers understand parents want wholesome baby food for their parents. There are several all natural and organic baby food choices now available to parents – foods that are a safe and healthy alternative to homemade.
Posted by Admin at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby food chrat
Making your own homemade baby food
Making your own baby food from family foods usually costs less than baby food you buy
and allows the baby to get used to the types of foods the family eats.
What you need:
1. Something to mash or grind the food such as a:
· Food grinder
· Blender
· Potato masher
· Strainer, or
· Fork
2. Good quality food without added salt, sugar, fat or spices. Do not make baby food
from leftovers that have been kept for more than one day.
Posted by Admin at 1:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby food recipes
The Doll that breastfeeds - Bebe Gloton
My daughter and I reached by my mother's home and to our surprise Dahlia got a new baby doll as a gift! But wait.. oh yeah.. the inevitable confrontation starts in five..four..three..
The baby came with a bottle to be able to feed it, DUH. Baby needs to drink milk right? How on earth would a baby get milk unless it was from a bottle!
So I grab the bottle, I look at it, I look at my mom and I think to myself 'ok Wendy, let's not go about this in a fanatical dogmatic way... because this can get sticky'. So politely I hold the bottle in my hand with a slight perplexed look on my face as I start threading this unfamiliar ground. I look at my mom and I thank her for loving Dahlia and providing Dahlia with a nice baby to play with, however, I don't think I want Dahlia playing with any bottles. "WHaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAt?!?!?!?!?! WENDY STOP your STUPIDNESS!" 'Oh goodness'.. I think to myself as I roll my eyes. Yes mom, you heard correctly, I don't want Dahlia playing with bottles making her think that that is the "normal" way to feed babies. Then, my mom uses a common line of false reasoning.. "Oh so you mean to say no bottles then..so what happens to moms who work?! "No mom, this has nothing to do with that. Of course moms who work have to use a bottle, but that's not the point", and so ensued an almost heated debate about 'exposing' little girls 'too early' to breastfeeding.
To follow up on this I would like to introduce you to this Bebe Gloton, a doll made not for bottle feeding, but yes, you guessed correctly, a baby made for breastfeeding. WOW! Why on earth did this concept take so long??
This genius invention is by a Spanish toy maker named Berjuan. This doll was made with the express purpose of exposing young girls to breastfeeding in an effort to normalize breastfeeding again. I find that this is an incredible doll, however, when you look up 'Bebe gloton' on youtube the reactions are less mixed than they are horrified and disgusted.
Well, it's simple, and it is not my intention whatsoever to hypothesize how people came to find breastfeeding sexual etc etc. That's a whole story all by itself. Ok then, we recognize that people in general find breastfeeding ok, as long as it is done within the privacy of your own home. Teaching a little girl to breastfeed by means of this doll, well that is UNACCEPTABLE, according to most people. But why? Why is it ok for little girls then to feed their dolls bottles? A lady in the youtube video of Bebe Gloton said and I quote "I nursed my daughter until she was 6 months old, which I think is fine, but I think it goes a little far having your little girls do it". Ok Ma'am, I guess after you nursed your daughter for only six months you switched her over to formula right...? Case closed. I'm not bashing formula or women who chose to nurse up until 6 months for whatever reason ( I myself switched to formula when my daughter self weaned at one). However, how could you yourself have chosen to breastfeed your daughter, but that same daughter, you won't allow to play with a doll that mimics something so natural and teaches and impresses upon her mind something so normal as breastfeeding. I personally think that that is ambivalence right there.
As you have seen, even some women who have breastfed their infants, find it unacceptable for those same infants who were nourished from their mother's breasts to play with a doll that mimics this act. This is perplexing to me, but then again it's not. I've come across many different and many times strong emotions of repugnance in people where breastfeeding is concerned. The thought alone makes them feel nasty and dirty. This is not God's fault. He did create breasts for that purpose. So how could He possibly think that breastfeeding is "dirty" or immoral in any kind of way. Where did this attitude come from? Like I said, I'm not going in to details lest I be here all night theorizing about it. So let's get to the point then. How far is too far when it comes to letting our daughters play with breastfeeding dolls? Where do we draw the line?
In July, UNICEF's Regional Director for the Caribean had a meeting with all the NGO's in Aruba. I was privileged to be part of that. Mr. Nils Kastberg pointed out that breastfeeding education and support should be well established by the time a girl enters puberty. He said " A girl, when a teenager, should think to herself, 'When I get older and have a baby, I'm gonna breastfeed it!' " . Mr. Kastberg emphasized the importance of forming a balanced and positive attitude towards breastfeeding in the early formative years because by the time a girl hits puberty, she has imprinted in her mind how she will feed her future offspring. This was such an enjoying part of the discourse. Mr. Nils gave such deserved attention to breastfeeding and it's importance. I spoke with him after the presentation was done and I thanked him for showing so much attention for nursing and not just glossing over it. So... UNICEF recognizes that children need to be taught from small. Not by word.. but by deed. Every time a mother nurses her baby with the older child(ren) watching, she is teaching them. Kudos to all you moms who nurse 2nd, 3rd and 4th children!
So... how did it end up with my mom and this play bottle situation. I did find the bottle in Dahlia's toys again, so I hid it :) . You know what my 17-month-old daughter does now to nourish her doll? She sits down, lifts up her dress and holds the baby to eat 'mum-mums'. My heart swelled with joy when I saw that... Kudos to me..
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 | Posted by Admin at 11:51 PM 0 comments
One months to One Year baby activities information
This early communication is the basis on which thinking and feeling will later develop.
She’s always seeking ways to adapt to the world outside the womb. (For example, sleeping is one way she learns to organize her life: When she’s tired, she turns off the environment, conserving energy to grow.
She’s always giving you signals. By watching her closely, you’ll learn how much or little stimulation she can handle, and when she’s ready for talking, feeding, singing, or playing. For instance, “I’m happy and ready to play” signals include open eyes, relaxed arms and legs, and maybe even a tight, playful grip around your finger. If she’s played with, talked to, or fed too much, she may grimace, turn and look away, clench her fists, and wriggle or spit up. These messages say, “Slow down, please.
I need more peace and quiet.” By watching her closely, you’ll learn how much or little stimulation she can handle. Sweet Dreams
-Month-Old Sleep Patterns Fortunately, by the time your baby is 6 to 12 weeks old, she’ll probably be sleeping for longer stretches of the night. If she’s not, you may have to help her learn to fall back to sleep on her own. Here are a few tricks you can try: Put her in her crib, instead of rocking or holding her. Wait until she’s groggy, but still awake; then lay her in her crib, say “good night,” turn off the light, and leave the room. If she cries, wait a few minutes before returning.
If she continues to cry, go back in the room (leaving the light off), rub her, and talk to her in a soothing voice. When she quiets down, say “good night” and leave the room again. If she begins to cry again, repeat this pattern until she falls asleep. It may take a few days, but she’ll get the hang of it. Establishing this skill when your baby is still young will help prevent bedtime battles later. 3By the third month, your baby is becoming quite the socialite, taking in more and more of the world around him. Help him get more acquainted with interacting with this big, new place by:
Carrying him in a cuddled “sitting” position and showing him lights or brightly colored objects Rocking him in a rocking chair. As you hold him, talk softly and look into his eyes. Singing quietly to him before bed Giving him different textures to feel, such as stuffed animals, plastic toys, or pieces of terry cloth or rubber. (Since your baby may put the objects in his mouth, be sure they’re not too small and that the pieces can’t be torn off and swallowed.)
Having quiet times. Babies need some quiet time to babble, play, and explore their world, so don’t leave a radio, TV, or stereo on for long periods. Looking in mirrors. Put a nonbreakable metal or plastic baby mirror in the crib or playpen. Show him the mirrors around your home. 4
Months baby
Propping him up so he can watch what goes on around him Years baby is probably jabbering for a reason, even if you don’t know what that is. One way to help her develop language skills is to imitate her jabbering and cooing, as if the two of you are having an intelligent conversation that only you can understand.
Other ways to help your baby develop language skills and understanding include: Talking to your baby often as you dress, feed, or bathe her Providing quiet time (turning off the radio and TV) Encouraging your baby to turn her head toward sounds Repeating sounds often and trying to get your baby to mimic them back to you Keeping Her Healthy: Baby Vaccinations Well-baby visits to the pediatrician are probably part of your monthly routine by now. These visits are important for you and your baby because:
They’re your opportunity to make sure your baby is growing and developing properly, and to ask any questions you may have. They’re the time when your baby will get the immunizations she needs (and make up any that she may have missed).
It’s true that in the United States great strides have been made in reducing childhood diseases through regular vaccinations. But the organisms that cause some of these diseases haven’t disappeared. Regular vaccinations are still the only way to protect your baby — now and for years to come — so be sure to get your child immunized to help keep her healthy.
5 months baby
H are some ways to help ensure that your baby develops to his full physical and cognitive potential (and have fun doing it!):
Encourage your baby to raise his head and push up on his arms to watch what is happening in the world around him. Hold your baby upright under the arms. Slowly lower your baby until his feet touch the table, bed, or your lap. Help your baby sit up alone. You can start by sitting on the couch or a chair with your baby and propping him up in the corner (which can prevent him from falling over).
Try to get your baby to follow faces or bright objects with his eyes.Let your baby feel many different textures.Help your baby pick up small toys, such as 1-inch blocks. (As a reminder, keep pills and other small objects that can cause choking out of your baby’s reach.) Who Is That? Baby’s Fear of Strangers As your baby interacts even more with his world, his first fear may occur this month — a fear of strangers.
6 months baby
This fear, which often includes fear of grandparents and other relatives, is normal. By this time, most babies have developed an awareness and recognition of key people around them, and a mistrust and fear of those who are not familiar. Although this fear goes away with time and is nothing to worry about, it usually helps to introduce your baby to new people slowly. 9 Months baby
While you’ve been guiding your baby along his road to development, the types of skills your baby develops, and the rate at which he develops them at this point, will be largely dependent on his own abilities.
However, here are some things you can do to inspire and stimulate him: Play “peekaboo” with him in front of a mirror. Read him books, naming objects and people as you travel through the pages. Teach him games such as “pat-a-cake” and “how big’s the baby?”Like always, keep hugging and cuddling him whenever possible, soothing and calming him when he’s fussy, smiling and chatting with him, and singing softly to him at bedtime. Engage
Your 11-Month-Old’s Growing Mind Because he’s becoming so smart and inquisitive, your activities together become more interesting, engaging him cognitively and physically. Here’s what you can do together: Help him walk with (or without) support.Ask him to find his favorite toy in his toy basket. Provide push/pull toys for him to play with.Roll or toss a large ball back and forth. Encourage your baby to pick a toy off the floor without holding onto anything.
Continue to talk to your baby.
This month, your house is a baby amusement park. Ensure Baby Safety This month, your house is a baby amusement park. He’s probably cruising while holding on to furniture, in love with the novelty of standing — particularly in the bathtub, and enamored with stairs that he can climb up but not down. While he’s running about, consider protecting him from common baby mishaps with these safety tips:
Buy safety gates or other barriers that are high and sturdy, have a straight top edge (instead of V-shaped or diamond-shaped openings) and a rigid screen, and are installed at the top and bottom of stairs.Keep his play area clear of hard, sharp-edged furniture. Lower his crib mattress so he can’t crawl or fall out while he’s standing.
Install easy-to-use childproof locks for drawers, screens, doors, and windows.Keep poisonous substances (including household cleaners and products) in high cabinets that you can lock. (If you think your baby has eaten something poisonous, immediately call the Poison Control Center, the hospital emergency room or your baby’s health care professional.) Keep these numbers by the phone. Stay close to your baby around water — pools, tubs, large buckets of water, even toilets.Avoid leaving pots containing hot foods close to the edges of tables or counters. Make sure you use plug protectors in any unused electrical outlets.
12 months baby
Engaging Your 12-Month-Old’s Mind This month, help her continue to develop by: ugging and cuddling her soothing
and calming her when he’s fussy Smiling and talking to her oftenRocking and loving her
Playing games such as “pat-a-cake” New activities include: * Sitting her at or near the table during family meals ·
Showing her how to pull a pull toy. (To prevent choking, keep toys with long strings put away when you can’t watch your baby play.) · “Reading” a picture book with her — identifying what you see on each page. Graduation-to-Toddler Safety Tips If you haven’t already, now is a good time to make sure you’ve taken all the baby safety measures you can. Here’s a checklist for convenience: · Check that all approved safety gates are in place and in working order. · Lower the crib mattress so your baby can’t crawl or fall out while she’s standing. · Install childproof locks for drawers, screens, doors, and windows. · Keep poisonous substances (including household cleaners) in high, locked cabinets.Stay close to your baby around water — pools, tubs, large buckets of water, and toilets. Continue to buckle your baby into an approved, properly installed car seat, but never in a seat protected by an air bag.Place safety plugs over electrical outlets. If you think your baby has eaten something poisonous, immediately call the Poison Control Center, the hospital emergency room, or your baby’s health care professional. (Keep these numbers by the phone.) Buy your baby objects that are large enough that she can’t fit them into her mouth. This prevents choking hazards.
There’s not much that’s more fun than baby birthdays, and you’ll probably never throw a shorter party. Planning a Safe and Fun First Birthday Party There’s not much that’s more fun than baby birthdays, and you’ll probably never throw a shorter party. Here are some tips for planning a successful party for your 1-year-old and her family and friends. For safety: * Limit the party area to one childproofed room.
Remove all breakables and sharp objects. * Avoid snacks such as popcorn and peanuts — even for adults. Babies can pick them up from the floor and choke on them. For your guests:
Posted by Admin at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby growth chart
Dr. Sears: A Word About Bottle Feeding
Let me be clear—there is no real substitute for breast milk. It is simply the best food for your baby. It provides all the nourishment they require and builds immunities protecting your baby against developing certain infections to which they will be exposed. Now that I’ve said that, I know some of my patients decide to bottle-feed. If you do please discuss this with your health care professional, and investigate all of the formula alternatives.
Bottle-feeding Index
How Formulas Are Made
Comparison of Formula and Breastmilk
Choosing Formulas
Soy Formula?
Follow-Up Formulas
Comparing Formulas
Lactose-Free Formula
Hypoallergenic Formula
How Much and How Often to Feed
Safe Formula-Feeding Tips
Bottlefeeding Tips
Choosing Nipples
Switching from Formula to Cow's Milk
Bottlefeeding Questions of the day
Using human milk as the nutritional standard, formula manufacturers follow a basic recipe that includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. They combine various ingredients so that the nutrients in artificial baby milks follow the same rough proportions as human milk. The big difference between formulas is the different sources of these elements – cow's milk, soybeans, or something else. Most formulas are cow's-milk based, meaning that the basic nutritional building blocks of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are taken from this nutritional base. Cow's milk contains most of the nutrients necessary for adequate infant nutrition, although not in quite the proper proportions. Soybeans are also a ready source of certain nutrients necessary for human nutrition. Formula manufacturers start with the basic nutritional elements in cow's or soy milk and add ingredients until the mixture approximates human milk as closely as possible. They adjust levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat and add vitamins and minerals.
To be fair, formula companies have produced milk for babies which, at least on paper, seems to resemble the real thing. Formula is definitely better than it used to be. But on close inspection, what the factories make doesn't quite measure up to what mom makes. It is nearly impossible for artificial baby milk manufacturers to make a milk with nutrients even close to what mothers' bodies can make. And these companies' primary goal is to make a profit, so marketing and manufacturing issues influence what finally gets into the can.
One of our concerns is that even though formula-fed infants appear to grow normally, are they really thriving? Thriving means more than just getting bigger. It means developing to the child's fullest physical, emotional, and intellectual potential. We just don't know about all the long-term effects of tampering with Mother Nature – though we do know that there are significant health differences between formula-fed and breastfed infants. Human milk is a live substance containing live white blood cells and immune-fighting substances, and is a dynamic, changing nutritional source, which daily (sometimes hourly) adjusts to meet the individual needs of a growing baby. Formulas are nothing more than a collection of dead nutrients. They do not contain living white cells, digestive enzymes, or immune factors. In terms of human history, they are a new experiment.
Even though the Infant Formula Act passed by Congress in 1985 mandates the Food and Drug Administration to see that formulas contain all the nutrients that babies need, we don't really know everything there is to know about what babies need. The good news is that formula companies are constantly updating their recipe in order to keep up with new research into infant nutrition. The bad news is that each change in formula is really just a new experiment.
Posted by Admin at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Moms Who Breastfeed Less Likely to Develop Heart Attacks or Strokes
>PITTSBURGH, April 21 – The longer women breastfeed, the lower their risk of heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular disease, report University of Pittsburgh researchers in a study published in the May issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology.
“Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women, so it’s vitally important for us to know what we can do to protect ourselves,” said Eleanor Bimla Schwarz, M.D., M.S., assistant professor of medicine, epidemiology, and obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. “We have known for years that breastfeeding is important for babies’ health; we now know that it is important for mothers’ health as well.”
According to the study, postmenopausal women who breastfed for at least one month had lower rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, all known to cause heart disease. Women who had breastfed their babies for more than a year were 10 percent less likely to have had a heart attack, stroke, or developed heart disease than women who had never breastfed.
Dr. Schwarz and colleagues found that the benefits from breastfeeding were long-term ? an average of 35 years had passed since women enrolled in the study had last breastfed an infant.
“The longer a mother nurses her baby, the better for both of them,” Dr. Schwarz pointed out. “Our study provides another good reason for workplace policies to encourage women to breastfeed their infants.”
The findings are based on 139,681 postmenopausal women enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative study of chronic disease, initiated in 1994
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 | Posted by Admin at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Breastfeeding Tips from 'Medical Abortion Clinic'???
>Breastfeeding Do's and Don'ts
A lot of people say that breastfeeding is one of the most natural means to express love between mother and child. Yet despite the consideration that breastfeeding is next to natural, many women still practice breastfeeding in a manner that is not what the process was envisioned to be. In this aspect, it is important for one to be aware of the proper and improper ways of breastfeeding.
Proper Breastfeeding methods
1)During the first week of pregnancy, a woman must feed her baby at least 15 times in a day. This is because the mother’s milk is the only source of nutrition for the baby. As a result, there is a need to frequently feed the baby. However, after the first week of the baby’s life, a woman need not feed her baby that frequent: six to eight feedings in a day is usually enough.
2)Another trademark of proper breastfeeding is to feed the baby whenever the baby demands to be feed. This way, one will avoid the baby becoming hungry. One should not be conscious about the spacing of each feeding time; when pregnant, it is impossible to keep a routine. This is the reason why a mother must be prepared anytime to feed her baby.
3)During each breastfeeding session, the breasts must feel empty. This means that the breasts used to breastfeed is emptied of all its milk, thus making sure that the next time that the baby demands to be feed, only fresh milk will be given. As a sign that the baby is properly feed, the bay must urinate frequently. It is common to have the baby wetting at least eight times in a day.
4)Another sign of proper breastfeeding is cradling the baby with both arms very close to one’s chest with the baby’s mouth directly on the breast used for feeding. This way, the baby will be at a very comfortable position during breastfeeding while preventing the mother from experiencing too much strain.
5)Another sign of proper breastfeeding is to alternate between breasts. It is not considered wise to focus only on one breast for the entire feeding session. This will cause a strain on the affected breast and may cause an imbalance between the breasts.
Improper Breastfeeding methods
1)One of the most common mistakes that mothers make when breastfeeding is feeding the baby while the bay is lying in bed. According to experts, this situation creates the possibility that the milk may not go down immediately and may cause choking.
2)Another mistake that women do when breastfeeding is to stick to a routine. This is rather a danger because it poses the risk of the baby going hungry if the mother religiously sticks to the routine.
3)As a manifestation of improper breastfeeding, one must look for things like the color of the infant’s bowel. If it is dark in color or if there is an irregular bowel movement, then there is a good chance that the baby is not properly or regularly fed.
Medical Abortion Clinic, was established by Dr. James Pendergraft. Our Abortion Clinics Offering the latest, safest and most advanced techniques for providing non-surgical, medical and surgical abortion methods including abortion pill in Orlando. For further information including family planning, please visit our premiere website. www.womenscenter.com
Once again, I must post the comments in a response from Lactivist Helen Schwalme:
Did anyone even read this article before they posted it?... See More
1. How can a mother breastfeed 15 times in her first week of pregnancy???
2.There is no set number of times a baby needs to be fed in a day whether in the first week of life or thereafter. A baby should be allowed access to the breast on demand. A baby can also be at the breast for 15 times a day but if he is not drinking he could be there 100 times and still get nothing. The same infant, drinking well could be at the breast only 7 times…numbers are not relevant or appropriate
3.Breasts are never empty even after the baby has fed well. Some women with good milk supply never feel their breasts are full so how can they know that their breasts are empty?? Research shows that after a baby has “emptied” the breast it still contains 25-35% milk.
4.Your point number 5 does not make any sense at all.
5.Lying down to nurse is not only completely safe and appropriate but very helpful to new mothers who are sleep deprived. There is no more risk of choking than in a baby in cradle hold.
6.Bowel movements of otherwise healthy exclusively breastfed infants can vary dramatically in colour and frequency and can not be used as an indicator of sufficient intake of breastmilk.
And last but not least, why on earth is an Abortion clinic offering advice on Breastfeeding??? If I wanted advice on abortion I would not consider going to a Lactation Consultant!!! Please stick to your are of expertise and do not add to the plethora of inconsistent, inaccurate information on breastfeeding on the internet."
Posted by Admin at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Breastfeeding Challenge on the News
>http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/HTMLTemplate?tf=/ctv/mar/video/new_player.html&cf=ctv/mar/ctv.cfg&hub=Health&video_link_high=mms://ctvbroadcast.ctv.ca/video/2007/09/29/ctvvideologger3_191082531_1191108427_500kbps.wmv&video_link_low=mms://ctvbroadcast.ctv.ca/video/2007/09/29/ctvvideologger3_191082530_1191107049_218kbps.wmv&clip_start=00:03:52.03&clip_end=00:01:49.70&clip_caption=CTV Edmonton: Sonia Sunger reports on the awareness campaign&clip_id=ctvnews.20070929.00215000-00215458-clip2&subhub=video&no_ads=&sortdate=20070929&slug=breastfeeding_moms_070929&archive=CTVNews
And from the September 30th edition of the Edmonton Sun
And from Winnipeg
And from Toronto:
Posted by Admin at 3:24 AM 0 comments
You should know all baby tips
>Hi you have new born baby should know all the tips.
Baby care is actually pleasurable but creates stress too among new parents. When you have a new born baby, it is obvious that you will have a tight time. You have to take proper care for the baby and you need to do your household chores too. You might have already heard a lot of tips for baby care, but you should understand that your baby is unique and you have to find out what works best for your baby.
1. Breastfeeding is very essential for a newborn. If for some reasons, you are not able to feed your baby you can go for bottle feeding. After every feed, you have to burp the baby. This ensures that the baby doesn't get gas since newborns are prone to get gas faster.
2. If your baby is more than a few weeks old and you want to get back to work, you cannot expect your baby to forget about breastfeeding. If you know that you will leave your child with a nurse, you need to make your baby accustomed to bottle feeding much before leaving your baby under the care of a nurse.
3. Many moms feel that bottle feeding prevents them from feeding the baby with breast milk. But this is not true. There are breast pumps and you can use them to store your milk for bottle feeding.
4. When you feed the baby with bottle, be cautious that you don't let the baby sleep with the bottle in his or her mouth, especially, when your baby has developed teeth, this practice will create cavities leading to dental problems.
5. Until your child starts moving and getting dirty, a bath two or three times per week is sufficient. However, you have to give sponge bath every time you change the diaper. Leaving the baby with dirty diapers invites infections and you need to avoid this completely.
6. While you take the baby for bath, keep everything including towel, soap and shampoo ready. Never leave your baby alone in the tub even for a minute. Also when you bathe the baby, close the ears with towel or covers so that water doesn't enter his or her ears.
Posted by Admin at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby tips
Aruba's First annual International Babywearing Week
In the confusion and rush of planning the 2nd annual Quintessence breastfeeding challenge, I decided I was nuts enough to take on planning an event during the challenge to celebrate babywearing week. Because this is pure madness on my behalf ( toddler, full time job, side-job, planning the breastfeeding challenge) I decided to keep it small this year.
I would like to take this opportunity then to invite all Aruban mothers, and even fathers, to participate in this "Sling fashion show" where we show case different style carriers, with different age babies/children. I know some wonderful babywearing moms who I'd love to recruit, but I'm also riding on anyone else who is interested!
You can give me a call at 593-4444 or email at wendymaduro@hotmail.com
This is gonna be fun!
Posted by Admin at 1:24 AM 0 comments
2008 Breastfeeding Challenge, Edmonton Journal article
Breastfeeding mothers converge on WEM
Jennifer Yang, Journal Staff WriterPublished: 1:21 pm
EDMONTON - This Saturday at exactly 11 a.m., 27 mothers gathered at West Edmonton Mall and slipped out their breasts to feed their babies.
The women and their 30 babies and toddlers (some mothers fed two at a time) for the Quintessence Breastfeeding Challenge 2008, a global event designed to raise public awareness of breastfeeding.
The competition has mothers feeding their babies simultaneously, either in public places or at private events. In the end, participants tally their totals to determine which city had the most babies "latched on" at 11 a.m. local time.
In Edmonton, this year's challenge was sponsored by a local group called the Breastfeeding and Lactation Information and Support Source, or BLISS.
"It's kind of hard to even make breastfeeding 'normal' in a society that sees breasts as sexual," said Karen Speed, the founder of BLISS. "Breasts are made for breastfeeding ... it's the perfect food for babies and no formula will be ever, ever made that's as good for babies."
Participating mom Lee-Ann Grenier arrived for the challenge with her two children, 22-month-old Danica and her five-year-old son Zale.
She said a woman once kicked her out of a swimming pool for breastfeeding, calling it "indecent."
"I felt really stigmatized," she said. "I didn't feel like I was feeding my baby, I felt like I was doing something slutty."
For Grenier, this is exactly the attitude she wants to dismantle by participating in the challenge. She thinks people have become overly focused on breasts as sexual objects as opposed to a healthy and natural source of food for babies.
"I feel it's really important to support breastfeeding and its visibility in our community," she said. "It's the one way that I know I'm meeting my children's needs for security as well as for food."
© Edmonton Journal 2008
Posted by Admin at 12:07 AM 0 comments
Pregnancy Pact
>On January 23rd, Lifetime Movie Network is gonna debut a movie that will probably BLOW their RATINGS through the roof. It's not your classic movie on teenage pregnancy. It is based on a real story of a group of girls in Ma in the U.S. I think the title of the movie is kinda self-explanatory. One girl in the group gets pregnant and then the rest make a pact to all get pregnant. Wow. I am so tuning in to see that movie.
And now, a trailer
Monday, September 26, 2011 | Posted by Admin at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Doesn't the breast work anymore?
By Kittie Frantz
Issue 132, September/October 2005
Funny—on PTA night, my husband had no trouble putting our baby to sleep. My friends who breastfed their babies until they fell asleep didn't complain of problems. Have you ever fallen blissfully asleep in someone's arms? As a baby, wouldn't you love to fall asleep in your mother's arms? True, some babies fall asleep with ease in anyone's arms, and some seem to sleep only when mother nurses them. But to make your baby conform to another's opinion of what a baby should or shouldn't be doing seems to punish the baby for not being like all the other babies you may be currently reading about. Advocates might tell you to "train your baby to put himself to sleep." However, the "training" part means you are changing or "correcting" a healthy natural behavior.
Then there are the advocates of "the self-calmed baby." Somehow, your baby must learn to calm himself. Why? Is he doing something wrong? Is vocally expressing his needs such a bad thing? Erik Erikson, a classic researcher of child development, labels the first year of an infant's life "Trust vs. Mistrust" and describes it as the development of the ego. If the infant's needs are met, the infant feels worthy and develops into a confident, independent person. Roberta Winter, RN, a mentor of mine at William Carey International University, felt that trusting your parent to meet your needs in the first year is the basis of how we learn to trust God. Ah, but Roberta was my age.
One advocate of the "scheduled babies" ideal feels that the marriage is more important than the baby, and that the baby needs to learn his "place" in the family. When the infant is left to cry at night, to calm herself to sleep without the breast, what message does she receive? Are you telling your baby that vocalizing her needs will not get her any peace, relief, help, love? Crying signals need and is the beginning of language.
Some people describe "sleep-training" the baby and proudly state that their infant sleeps all night. But how do you know the baby is asleep all night? My opinion, shared by University of Notre Dame infant sleep researcher James McKenna, PhD, is that babies wake many times during the night. The "sleep- trainers" should call it "training the child to know you're not there" instead of fooling parents into thinking the baby has learned to happily sleep all night. The baby is indeed waking; she just knows you're not coming. What if she is teething? Books with titles that include such phrases as "Help Your Baby Sleep Longer" lead parents to believe that there is something wrong with a baby who does not sleep for a specified amount of time. Even Dr. Richard Ferber recanted his stand on this in The New Yorker.
Advocates of scheduling a baby's feedings have been around for the last three generations, and come and go with the tides. My opinion is that some people can't help but be controlling. They try a technique that seems to work for them, think that everyone should learn this technique, then write a book about it. Often, the best thing about babies is how they teach us things such as patience, flexibility, and unconditional love. When you're a tired new parent, it is very seductive to think that you can "manage" your erratically and often frequently feeding infant by putting her on a schedule—especially if you're a first-time parent and had time before the birth to read, imagine, and, unfortunately, plan how things would be once the baby was born. It's not surprising that books on infant sleep are top moneymakers for publishers—in early infancy, every baby wakes in the night, so every parent will want such books. But the one thing such books and the erroneous advice they give do not seem to take into account is the baby. What works for one baby may not work for another. What works for a toddler won't work for an infant. Here are the facts. Because babies grow in spurts, their needs will change throughout the day, the week, and the months to come. And because of this, their schedules change. A lot. The composition of breastmilk also changes throughout the day, week by week and month by month, to match the baby's needs. This process of making different kinds of milk at different times may be initiated by changes in the way the infant suckles. Why mess up this symbiotic process by putting the baby on a schedule? Can you imagine being hungry because your body is signaling a change, and someone says you can't eat now because she, not you, has decided it isn't the "right time" to eat? The baby's job is to double her birth weight in the first four to six months after birth. Restricting breastfeedings may make this task seriously difficult.
It is interesting that research by Arthur Parmalee, of UCLA, revealed that babies need to feed around the clock, and do not sleep for a consecutive six hours until they are 8 to 12 weeks old (just before they have almost finished the task of doubling their weight). He calls a six-hour sleep "sleeping through the night," though this label should not be confused with some parents' definition of the phrase as meaning 8 to 10 hours (which doesn't come till much later in the first year). Research with similar findings was published by M. Shimada in the October 1999 issue of Brain Development. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that newborns should feed 8 to 12 times within each 24-hour period. Note that it did not say "every two to three hours," which is how some interpret this recommendation. The AAP phrases it this way because research has shown that babies vary their schedules to accommodate their needs.
Marshall Klaus found that during each 24-hour period, newborns have at least one "cluster feed"—several breastfeedings close together. Most experienced breastfeeding women know this and roll with it. How long a baby stays at the breast is related to how well she suckles. Slow sucklers need longer feeds; when schedulers restrict this time, the slower-feeding baby is out of luck. Renowned breastfeeding expert Chloe Fisher of Oxford, England, says to "finish the first breast first"—that is, let the baby feed until she lets go, signaling that she is finished.
I tell parents that a simple way to sort out conflicting advice is to see which basket it fits into: the good-for-the-parent basket or the good-for-the-baby basket. For example, into which basket would you put "You should put that baby on a feeding schedule"? This process will help you decide which advice feels best for you. Trust your gut—your first instinct. Don't talk yourself out of it by believing that some advice you read must be good because it was in a book, or the person giving the advice has five kids, or was a nurse.
In my day, the support I wanted was someone to cook, do laundry, answer the phone, shop for food, run a vacuum cleaner, and take my toddler to the park so I could take a nap. I ask new parents, "Do you like your cleaning lady? Does she nurture your household? Hire her for more days and nurse the baby at night—your body produces the most prolactin, the milk-making hormone, between 1 and 5 a.m." Babies nurse more at night in the first three weeks and tend to sleep more in the daytime.
The AAP's statement on breastfeeding recommends that pacifiers be avoided until breastfeeding is "well established." The AAP doesn't define "well established," but many feel that it takes at least the first six weeks. Still, what will Dad's success with a pacifier, swaddling, loud shushing, and jiggling the baby away from his chest and onto his thighs do to the breastfeeding?
In my practice, when fathers were successful in calming their babies, I found that their infants fed only six of the needed minimum eight times in each 24 hours. This resulted in lower weight gain for the baby, more initial breast engorgement for the mother, and a slow start for the milk supply. The infant was missing at least two needed feedings. Patricia Franco published a study in the May 2005 issue of Pediatrics that shows that swaddling caused infants to spontaneously awaken less often. I often have to scramble to convince parents to hold off on the calming until after the breastfeeding. My generation didn't have to calm our babies after feeding; we nursed them to sleep, which takes less time than bouncing, wrapping, shushing, and pacifying.
If the baby has true colic, Dad's help is welcome when the baby is older than two weeks and is going through a fussy time, and especially when Mom has had it. In my day, we called this period a growth spurt—a time when the baby would begin to grow suddenly, therefore needed more food, and so nursed more often. We just nursed the baby a lot to get him or her through the rough spot. All that additional nursing of babies two to six weeks old—who are normally fussy in any case—really boosted and set the milk supply. The breast worked best to calm these fussy, more frequently feeding babies. We used to call this time of day, whenever baby was fussy and nursed a lot, Grandma's Hour—this was when Grandma shone, taking care of dinner and the other kids' baths while mom nursed. The baby loved it. Many think that pumping breastmilk is just as good a stimulus to lactation and the milk supply as a nursing baby. Perhaps. But most lactation specialists concede that a breast pump does not give the same signal to the breast that a baby does: to create an ongoing supply of milk. They also suspect that most breast pumps can't get as much milk from a breast as a baby gets from direct nursing. Women pumping solely for hospitalized premature babies tell us that their supply dwindles after only six weeks of pumping, but zooms back up when the baby is put to the breast. Remember that lactation seems to be established in the first six weeks of breastfeeding. Why interfere with milk establishment in the first six weeks at all? Let baby do it!

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