>The Super Baby Food Book contains all the information you'll need to:
* Know when, how, and what to feed your baby and toddler.
* Know how to keep baby food safe.
* Take control of your baby’s nutrition
* Avoid harmful additives and preservatives
* If you would like, make your own baby food
Early days
* Breastfeeding
* Breastfeeding problem solver
* Bottlefeeding
* Mixing breast and bottle
Food worries
* Food intolerance and food allergy
* Fussy eaters
* Vegetarian babies
* Vegan babies
* Special diets
Weaning ways
* When to start on solids
* Weaning chart
* First foods from 6 months
* Feeding from 7 or 8 months
* Feeding from 12 months on
* Baby-led weaning
* Baby-led weaning recipes for 6 months and 8 months
* Gill Rapley's baby-led weaning video
Nutritional help
* Vitamin supplements
* Mineral guide
* Organic baby foods tried and tested
* Organic recipes
* Recipes for baby
More on food
* Organic baby food on test
* Small bites: food info, issues and recipes
* Find a recipe
* Baby-led weaning recipes : Breakfasts| savouries | puds
* Baby to adult: how to make the food transition
* Good eating habits start young, says food writer Fran Warde
* Drink up! Tips and ideas to keep baby hydrated
Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Baby
Monday, October 31, 2011 | Posted by Admin at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Super Baby Food
Socially and Culturally accepted ages of breastfed infants
>If most people find breastfeeding disgusting, and some think it's ok, and yet some find and older nursling to be repugnant, where does a breastfeeding mom stand when it comes to her decision to continue or wean her growing nursling? This blog won't discuss the nutritional benefits of Breast-milk past the age of two, because contrary to popular belief, breast-milk has no "expiration date" and has no age limit where nutrional benefits are concerned. Its properties continue the same and continually protects the breastfeeding child, regardless of their age or gender.
What will be discussed is the socially/culturally "accepted" age to wean a child. What does society say regarding nursing an older child? Even if there are no words spoken against breastfeeding a child past 1-2 years, what are the perceived mental attitudes telling us? Why would it be more acceptable for a child to bottle feed at an older age compared to children of that same age breastfeeding? How is it here in Aruba?
I asked this question on my Facebook and was inundated by responses of varied backgrounds. Women, younger and older, breastfeeding mothers and childless women. I was pleasantly suprised to read there responses
- "my personal opinion is around 9 months to a year. By then they should go right to drinking from a cup. Of course everyone is free to choose what they feel is right for them."
- "2 years"
- "Well They say...( the experts) around 1 1/2 year.. that the milk is nutritive and so..but then again it's up to the mom what she is wants and what the baby demands......because some baby just wont let go.........."
- "It's never TOO OLD!!!! If you're confident about giving your 5 yr old breastfeeding then you should do it."
- "when the baby decides....I nursed my oldest until he was 4.5, and am now nursing my 3 year old and 9 month old. They also never get sick."
- "The AAP says children should be breastfed for 2 years...at least. But they also say a lot of other bogus things. And WHO recommends at least to age two, as well. The only reason people are saying children should wean before then is due to their own insecurity and uncomfortableness. Obviously NOT because they have the best interest of the child in mind."
Following up on the topic at hand, even some women who have breastfed their children find that breastfeeding an older child is "too much". This is not because of some kind of lack in the lactational ability, but because of social and cultural perceptions of what is "ok" and what is "normal" or "excessive". We see that even women who approve of and have breastfed are touched by a tinge of shame, discomfort and avoidance when it comes to discussing, looking at and even thinking about a 3-4 year-old nursling. Even when nothing is said, body language and gestures speak volumes. People may cringe at the sight of a woman nursing an older child in public, and Aruba is not to be excluded. One of my breastfeeding "sensei's" J, told me at a mother-to-mother support group that it got to a point that when she nursed her over 4 year-old son she had to sometimes sit and in effect "hide" in her room, in her own house because of the comments she got from then close relatives. This woman is a staunch breastfeeding advocate and supports it all the way, and to think she would ever feel that way with her nursling shows a lot of what outside influece can do/does.In the U.S., from what I read and hear of other mothers' experiences, it's not much different from Aruba. Unfortunately, not all states have laws that protect women and enable them to nurse in public, let alone nurse a toddler! In stark contrast however, places like Mongolia, Holland and Europe in general, it's something natural and a daily occurence. It's not uncommon at all to see women breastfeeding anywhere/anytime. People in general rather you hurry up and nurse the child already to stop it from crying! So, what advice is there for moms out there reading this? Let me share some words of wisdom from my other breastfeeding "sensei" M.She tells me and all the other moms out there, EARPLUGS. Set 'em and forget 'em! Put 'em in and continue until you and your child make the decision that the point has been reached and the breastfeeding relationship has met its goal and satisfactory fulfillment.
This is not the way the majority of the nursing relationships end, however, along with my other strong convictions, I know I will see a time when all is restored to its original intended purpose, and that includes the breasts and their practicality.
Just some food for thought...
Posted by Admin at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Breastfeeding
Lactose Intolerance and the Breastfed Baby (Australian Breastfeeding Association)
Lactose intolerance and the breastfed baby
Original Article published in 'Essence' magazine
Volume 35, Number 1
Exclusively for ABA subscribers
Lactose Intolerance and the breastfed baby
Joy Anderson BSc(Nutrition), PostgradDipDiet, APD, IBCLC, ABA Breastfeeding Counsellor
Lactose is the sugar in all mammalian milks. It is produced in the breast. The amount of lactose in breastmilk is independent of the mother's consumption of lactose and hardly varies. The milk the baby gets when he first starts to feed contains much the same amount of lactose as does the milk at the end of a breastfeed. However, the milk at the end of a breastfeed does contain more fat.
Lactase is the enzyme that is required to digest lactose. Lactose intolerance occurs when a person does not produce this enzyme, or does not produce enough of it, and is therefore unable to digest lactose.
The symptoms of lactose intolerance are liquid, frothy stools and an irritable baby who may pass wind often. If a baby is lactose intolerant, the medical tests ('hydrogen breath test' and tests for 'reducing sugars' in the stools) would be expected to be positive. However they are also positive in most normal breastfed babies under 3 months. Their use in diagnosing lactose intolerance in young babies is therefore open to question.
There are some common myths about lactose intolerance that you may hear in the community:
There will be less lactose in the breastmilk if the mother stops eating dairy products.
Baby is more likely to be lactose intolerant if adult family members are.
If a mother is lactose intolerant then her baby will be as well.
A baby with symptoms of lactose intolerance should be taken off the breast immediately and fed on soy-based or special lactose-free infant formula.
Lactose intolerance is the same as intolerance or allergy to cows' milk protein.
Read on to see what is wrong with these ideas!
Lactose intolerance in babies
Primary (or true) lactose intolerance
This extremely rare genetic condition is incompatible with normal life unless there is medical intervention. A truly lactose-intolerant baby would fail to thrive from birth (ie not even start to gain weight) and show obvious symptoms of malabsorption and dehydration. This is a medical emergency and the baby would need a special diet from soon after birth.
Secondary lactose intolerance
Because the enzyme lactase is produced in the very tips of the microscopic folds of the intestine, anything that damages the gut lining can cause secondary lactose intolerance. Even subtle damage to the gut may wipe off these tips and reduce the enzyme production, for example:
food intolerance or allergy. In breastfed babies, this can come from food proteins, such as in cows' milk, wheat, soy or egg, or possibly other food chemicals that enter breastmilk from the mother's diet, as well as from food the baby has eaten.
parasitic infection such as giardiasis or cryptosporidiosis.
coeliac disease (intolerance to the gluten in wheat and some other grain products).
following bowel surgery.
Cows' milk protein allergy (or intolerance) is often confused with lactose intolerance and many people think they are the same thing. This is not the case. The confusion probably arises because cows' milk protein and lactose are both in the same food, ie dairy products. Since allergy or intolerance to this protein can cause secondary lactose intolerance, they may be present together, further adding to this confusion.
Secondary lactose intolerance is temporary, as long as the gut damage can heal. When the cause of the damage to the gut is removed, for example by taking the food to which a breastfed baby is allergic out of the mother's diet, the gut will heal, even if the baby is still fed breastmilk. If your doctor does diagnose 'lactose intolerance', continuing to breastfeed will not harm your baby as long as she is otherwise well and growing normally.
While the baby has symptoms of lactose intolerance, it is sometimes suggested that the mother alternate breastfeeding the baby with feeds of lactose-free artificial baby milk or even take the baby off the breast. Authorities recommend the use of lactose-free artificial baby milk if the baby is artificially-fed and is very malnourished and/or losing weight. However, human milk remains the best food and will assist with gut healing. In addition, sensitivity of the baby to foreign protein (cow or soy) should be considered before introduction of any artificial baby milk, as regular types, including lactose-free ones, may make this problem worse. You should seek professional advice on the need for hypoallergenic artificial baby milk. A medical adviser should see any baby with long-term symptoms who is failing to thrive.
Before even partially taking a baby off the breast for a short time, thought should be given to other aspects of the breastfeeding relationship. Questions you could ask include:
How will alternative feeding methods affect my baby?
Could bottle-feeding other milk products result in breast refusal later?
How easily will I be able to express my milk to maintain my supply?
Average recovery time for the gut of a baby with severe gastroenteritis is 4 weeks, but may be up to 8 weeks for a baby under 3 months. For older babies, over about 18 months, recovery may be as rapid as 1 week. If a medical adviser orders alternative feeds for the baby, it is important that the mother understands that her breastmilk is still the normal and proper food for her baby in the long term.
You may have heard about giving drops containing the enzyme lactase to babies who have symptoms of lactose intolerance. There is little evidence that these are of much value when used this way, although there are anecdotal reports that relatively large doses may have helped in some cases. Lactase drops are designed to be put into expressed breastmilk (or other milk) and left overnight for the enzyme to predigest the lactose in the milk. In practice they seem to be occasionally useful for babies.
Lactose intolerance in adults
The lactase enzyme levels normally change over a person's life span. They rise rapidly in the first week after birth, start to fall from about 3-5 years of age and fall sharply in later childhood, The low levels of the enzyme present in the first week of life are matched by low levels of lactose in colostrum.
Cows' milk is commonly consumed by adults in some populations, but mostly by people of northern European descent. In about 70% of the people of the world, and in at least 10% of Australians, levels of this enzyme fall so low in adulthood that they become lactose intolerant. The tendency to adult lactose intolerance is genetically determined. Some races, such as Asian, African, Australian Aboriginal and Hispanic populations are more likely to have adult lactose intolerance. Caucasians are more likely to be able to consume milk as adults because they tend to continue producing the enzyme lactase throughout life. Even so, the levels do fall with age. People who have been able to drink milk as adults may find they become lactose intolerant when elderly. An adult who has very low levels of the enzyme can usually tolerate some lactose because normal bacteria living in the gut provide a limited capacity to handle it. However, the person may find it gives them loose stools and 'wind'.
Human babies of all races can tolerate lactose. In fact human milk has a very high concentration of lactose compared to cows' milk and that of other mammals. This is thought to be related to a human baby's rapid brain growth in infancy, compared to other mammals. Removing lactose from any baby's diet for more than a short period should not be done lightly and then only under medical supervision.
Lactose overload in babies
Lactose overload can mimic lactose intolerance and is frequently mistaken for it. An overload is often seen in babies consuming large amounts of breastmilk, that is when their mothers have an oversupply. This may result in an unsettled baby with adequate to large weight gains. The baby usually passes urine more than 10 times a day and has many (often explosive) bowel motions in 24 hours. This usually occurs in babies under 3 months old. Ironically, a mother may think that she has a low milk supply because her baby always seems to be hungry. The nappies can be the biggest clue to what's happening. What comes out the bottom must have gone in the top!
There is a vicious cycle here. A large-volume, low-fat feed goes through the baby so quickly that not all the lactose is digested (more fat would help slow it down). The lactose reaching the lower bowel draws extra water into the bowel and is fermented by the bacteria there, producing gas and acid stools. The acid stools often cause a nappy rash. Gas and fluid build-up cause tummy pain and the baby 'acts hungry' (wants to suck, is unsettled, draws up his legs, screams). Sucking is the best comfort he knows and also helps move the gas along the bowel. This tends to ease the pain temporarily and may result in wind and stool being passed. Since the baby indicates that he wants to suck at the breast, his mother, logically, feeds him again. Sometimes it is the only way to comfort him. Unfortunately another large feed on top of the earlier one hurries the system further and results in more gas and fluid accumulation. The milk seems almost literally to 'go in one end and out the other'.
Many mothers whose babies have had this problem have found it helpful to change from an 'on-demand' breastfeeding routine. This is usually only necessary for a short time. The aim is to slow the rate at which milk goes through the baby by feeding one breast per feed, or by 'block-feeding'. To block-feed, set a 4-hour time period (this may be adjusted according to the severity of the oversupply) and every time the baby wants to feed during this period, use the same breast. Then use the other breast for the next 4 hours, etc. Each time the baby returns to the already used breast, he gets a lower-volume, higher-fat feed that helps slow the system down. While block-feeding, check that the unused breast does not get overfull. When the baby's symptoms are relieved, the mother is able to go back to a normal breastfeeding routine and feed according to need.
Where the problem is severe and/or long-lasting, it is worth trying to work out why there is an oversupply of breastmilk.
Is the mother timing feeds and switching sides after a set number of minutes?
Has something caused the baby to be unusually unsettled, resulting in frequent comfort sucking and an oversupply?
Is secondary lactose intolerance adding to the overload situation?
Sometimes a mother who is worried about having a low supply overcompensates by offering more feeds than the baby needs and overstimulates her supply.
Perhaps the baby has been unwell, or is suffering discomfort from a difficult birth, and seeks comfort in frequent feeds.
Some mothers just have a tendency to oversupply - there is a normal variation in this as in everything else about our bodies. In days gone by, these may have been the mothers who could have made a living as wet nurses!
Specific ways to help with each of these is beyond the scope of this article. However, individual situations can be discussed with an Australian Breastfeeding Association counsellor, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), paediatric dietitian or other health professional. The Association's booklet Too Much has tips for helping oversupply problems. Why Is My Baby Crying? has lots of suggestions for soothing unsettled babies.
In conclusion, there are several types of lactose intolerance, but it is very rare for a baby to have to stop breastfeeding because of this condition. Except for the extremely rare primary type, there is always a cause behind lactose intolerance in babies. Getting to the cause and fixing that is the key to resolving the baby's symptoms.
Brodribb W (ed), 2004, Breastfeeding Management. 3rd edn. Australian Breastfeeding Association, Melbourne.
Heyman MB for the Committee on Nutrition, 2006, Lactose intolerance in infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatrics 118(3): 1279-1286 (Available at http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/118/3/1279)
Lawlor-Smith C & Lawlor-Smith L, 1998, Lactose intolerance. Breastfeeding Review 6(1): 29-30.
Leeson R, 1995, Lactose intolerance: What does it mean? ALCA News 6(1): 24-25, 27.
Minchin M, 1986, Food for Thought. 2nd edn. Unwin Paperbacks, Sydney.
Rings EHHM et al, 1994, Lactose intolerance and lactase deficiency in children. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 6: 562-567.
Royal Australian College of Physicians 2006, Paediatric policy: Soy protein formula. RACP, Sydney.
Saarela T, Kokkonen J & Koivisto M, 2005, Macronutrient and energy contents of human milk fractions during the first six months of lactation. Acta Paediatrica 94: 1176-1181.
Woolridge M, Fisher C 1988, Colic, 'overfeeding' and symptoms of lactose malabsorption in the breast-fed baby: a possible artifact of feed management? Lancet (ii): 382-384.
Revised January 2010
Copyright Australian Breastfeeding Association, 1818-1822 Malvern Rd, East Malvern VIC 3145, Australia. ABN 64 005 081 523.
Posted by Admin at 11:06 PM 0 comments
The difference between regret and guilt
Is there really a difference between regret and guilt?
Do these emotions even serve a purpose to us as humans? Or are they only present to bring us down?
I ponder these questions a lot, especially when it comes to decisions we face and make as parents.
I feel regret over a lot of decisions I've made in connection with my pregnancy, labor and breastfeeding relationship. There were many things I could've handled differently that would have had a major difference in outcome. One big one is how I handled my daughter's waning interest in breastfeeding. I feel regret over not handling it properly which ultimately caused her weaning before we were truly ready for it. Yes, it's normal even good to feel regret. But do I let feelings of guilt eat me up? No, absolutely not.
That's where I draw the line. Although I think that feelings of regret are very fitting, feelings of guilt really aren't. Guilt is something consuming, that can potentially eat a person up inside if left unchecked. Guilt can beat a mother to the ground, especially if she is already unsure of herself and her mothering abilities.
I asked on my Facebook & Twitter what people thought of a mother feeling regret or guilt because of not breastfeeding ;
Merriam-Webster defines guilt as ;
Main Entry: guiltPronunciation: \ˈgilt\Function: nounEtymology: Middle English, delinquency, guilt, from Old English gylt delinquencyDate: before 12th century1 : the fact of having committed a breach of conduct especially violating law and involving a penalty; broadly : guilty conduct
2 a : the state of one who has committed an offense especially consciously b : feelings of culpability especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy : self-reproach
3 : a feeling of culpability for offenses
Google Defines Regret as ;
re·gret (r-gr
I think the words we use can have a tremendous affect on others, and like time, hurtful words once said, cannot be taken back.
The difference between guilt and regret in my opinion, means the difference between feeling beaten down, and feeling motivated. When a mother feels regret over a decision she made (whether it was informed or not), those feelings can motivate her not to repeat those actions should she find herself in the same situation in the future. Regret can also make people activists for a cause. I feel regret over losing my breastfeeding relationship and this motivates me to help mothers and their families make good choices, choices that they won't have to regret in the future. Guilt, on the other hand, just makes me feel worthless, reminding me that I can never get back what I gave up.
Some think that regret is bad. It isn't, it really isn't. It is completely appropriate if a mother feels regret over something she feels she should have or could have done differently. I think that we as caregivers, can lend a listening ear, and just acknowledge what she feels, instead of telling her how not to feel, she could feel better.
As fitting as feelings of regret are, we can warn mothers about letting these feelings turn into guilt. Guilt that can sap their energy and consume their every waking thought. This is counterproductive.
So.. I agree with all the ladies above, these feelings can serve a purpose, only if we control them for the better, and not let them control us for the worse.
Posted by Admin at 2:50 AM 0 comments
You CAN breastfeed an adopted baby!
Check out this amazing blog!
(I apologize, I can't seem to post the direct link)
Posted by Admin at 2:06 AM 0 comments
Baby skin care chart
>A baby’s skin is very sensitive. Before you use any baby linens or baby clothes for the first time, wash the items in a hypoallergenic detergent or soap formulated for babies. Also, use only soap or bath solution meant for babies when you bathe your infant.
Adult products are too harsh for a young baby’s skin. Babies don’t get very dirty, so you don’t need to bathe your baby every day if you keep the face, head and diaper area clean. Wipe your baby’s face and head gently with a soft, wet washcloth or dampened cotton balls.
Be sure to get into all skin creases, especially where dribbled milk might collect. And clean your baby’s bottom well with each diaper change. When dressing your baby, choose loose-fitting, soft garments and layer for warmth.
Be sensitive to your baby’s environment, and be ready to peel off a layer or two when in a warm car, shop or restaurant. If your baby has little pimples along skin folds, especially on the neck, back, shoulders, chest or diaper area, she may have prickly heat, which can be remedied by avoiding heat and humidity, administering cool baths and dressing her in light, loose clothing.
Posted by Admin at 1:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby skin care
Baby care and food
>Breast milk is the perfect food for a baby, it contains all the nutrition your baby needs for the six months, with the added bonus of antibodies and other properties important to baby’s health and development. Health authorities recommend that you breastfeed your baby for at least six months if possible.
1. Infant formula is the only suitable alternative to breastmilk. It is modified to meet baby’s needs and must always be mixed according to the directions on the container.
2. Babies don’t need to start on other foods until they are ready which is normally around the age of six months. The ideal first food is a baby cereal mixed with baby’s regular milk, followed by fruit and vegetable purees introduced one at a time. In the beginning baby needs to be offered his regular milk (breast or formula) before he is offered solids.
3. Introduce lumpy foods after three to five weeks of pureed food. Gradually make it more and more lumpy because this will help baby learn to chew even if she has no teeth. Add finger foods to baby’s diet around about eight months. By the time baby reaches her first birthday she should be eating regular family food with some modifications. Ready made baby food in cans, jars or frozen is ideal as an occasional meal but is not suitable for everyday use.
4. Keep meal times relaxed, offer baby a variety of healthy choices and never force him to ‘eat up’. If he is hungry you can always offer him more.
5. Babies don’t need sugary foods, salty, fatty foods or fast foods. Low fat foods are also not acceptable, baby needs nutritious choices.
6. Soft drinks are not suitable for babies or toddlers. Milk and water are all baby needs with occasional juice drinks, watered down 50/50. At meal times baby should be offered water to drink.
7. Iron and calcium are important nutrients in a baby’s diet. Iron can be found in breast milk, lean meat, chicken, eggs, fish, legumes, fortified baby cereals, wholegrain cereals, dried fruits and dark green leafy vegetables. Calcium is found in breast milk and infant formula, dairy products, calcium fortified soy products, tinned sardines and salmon.
8. Learn to read the labels on food you buy in the supermarket. Ingredients are listed in order with the greatest quantity first. If you find ingredients you would not normally put into your baby’s meal then don’t buy the product.
9. Be careful when you prepare the family’s food. Always wash your hands before handling food and keep raw and cooked foods separate. You can find out more about hygiene and food.
Posted by Admin at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby care tips
Don't Shake the Milk!
>Linda J. Smith, IBCLC Founder of BFLRC Ltd.
6540 Cedarview Court, Dayton, Ohio 45459 Fhone (937) 438-9458 Lindaj@bflrc.com
Don't Shake the Milk
Linda J. Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC
Why not?
Because shaking expressed mothers' milk (or boiling or freezing it) denatures the shaped molecules of the protective proteins, leaving only the pieces - the amino acids - the parts. Lactoferrin, lysozyme, and other protective components work their protection magic when they are in their original shaped molecular structure. Some components remain intact, even during freezing, shaking or heating. They not only protect the gut from many kinds of infection, but also prevent inflammation of the gut lining. Even broken up, the separate amino acids are still really good stuff and are digested by the baby as nutrients.
Imagine a set of pop-beads assembled into a necklace or bracelet. When the beads are acting as a bracelet or necklace, they are doing their job as protective elements. When you break apart the beads, you have in your hand many individual chunks of amino acids which are then digested.
Cellular components are also susceptible to damage by physical stress. After all, they are living cells.
With mother's milk, you get at least two functions for the price of one. With manufactured formula, you only get the individual beads, never the necklace or bracelet. And never the living cells.
So, please handle human milk gently, respectfully and kindly. It's far more than perfect food for babies - it's a living tissue and protective shield too.
© 1998 Linda J. Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC
Posted by Admin at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Snacktime at a field trip to theValley Zoo
Sunday, October 30, 2011 | Posted by Admin at 12:42 AM 0 comments
What is a Blessingway?
>Babyshowers are a common and widespread tradition that many participate in. They often include many gifts for the soon-to-be parents, which may alleviate the burden of having so many baby things to buy. Babyshowers these days, however, have become very commercialized. They focus more on the giving of gifts, and playing of games, rather than the honoring of the mother-to-be and preparation for the labor and birth of her baby(s).
A Blessingway ceremony, is thought to have originated with the Native Americans. It was seen as a rite of passage when a young girl first enters young womanhood with the onset of Menarche, and was also celebrated with she became a mother.
A blessingway these days, has become more familiar due in part to the fact that women are reclaiming their bodies and birth rights. They are becoming more aware of the process of childbirth and wish to be more involved in the grand scheme of things. In saying so, they have come to realize that the pregnant woman is actually on a special 9+ month journey that will culminate in a spectacular and special end, the birth of her child(ren).
While many focus on the physical and material aspects of childbirth, which is of course natural, we sometimes tend to forget the mental and emotional side of it. Worries, anxiety or physical ailments during a pregnancy can wreak havoc on the emotional wellbeing and balance of the mother. Even a normal and 'uneventful' one can be stressful if the mother has little information or support from loved ones. A Blessing way can strengthen her resolve and help her to recenter her thoughts and goals.
What do you do at a Blessing Way?
The main focus of a Blessingway is the expectant mother and her emotional needs. Thus said, the point of the ceremony should be to give her courage to face that fast approaching day. Usually the group is kept small with only a few close relatives and/or friends. The women who inspire the mother the most, the ones she feels most safest with are the ones who attend the Blessing Way. Some choose to do the following:
- Make a necklace or bracelet for her birthing day
- Making a headband out of flowers
- Everyone there writes down a birth affirmation or wish.
- Henna belly painting
Posted by Admin at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Six month baby food
Baby care-Baby food(home made baby food)
Nutrition baby food ( six months to 10 months)
Ground nuts( sprouts) or pea nuts : 100 grams
Raggi(sprouts) : 250 grams
Green grams(sprouts) : 250 grams
Rice : 100 grams
Jowar : 100 grams
Toor dal : 100 grams
sprouts become dry(sun shed)
1)Fry all the ingredient each at a time till it turn into a golden colour. Once it cooled then put all items into grinder jar make them as powder.
Posted by Admin at 12:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: baby food .
Book Review : Birth Movement: How To Use the Birth Sling, Squat Bar, Birth Ball, and Positions for Your No-to-low Intervention Hospital Birth
I am very pleased to announce that I have received my first (E)Book to review and share with you all! A fellow Childbirth International Alumni, Jun-Nicole Matsushita (CLD) has written and published a beautifully illustrated book on making your hospital birth no-to-low-intervention as possible by means of a birth ball, birth sling and squat bar.
Its title is most fitting "Birth Movement: How To Use the Birth Sling, Squat Bar, Birth Ball, and Positions for Your No-to-low Intervention Hospital Birth"
I perused through the Ebook pages and am eager to sit down and read it on my baby, The Kindle.
Expect the review up next week
Posted by Admin at 12:06 AM 0 comments
Kim Kardashian thinks breastfeeding is a "natural beautiful thing" but wants you to cover up
>Dear Kim, poor little Kim, Why did you Tweet that?
And you keep making it worse by shoving the foot in your mouth further and further down...
This morning I awoke to a tweet that said
"EWW Im at lunch,the woman at the table next 2 me is breast feeding her baby w no coverup then puts baby on the table and changes her diaper"
Yes Kim, changing a baby at the table IS unsanitary, but what is this, wait, Kim Kardashian, a young woman with a sex tape and a very nude, breast exposing photoshoot in Playboy is telling women that nursing without a cover is wrong?!
Wait. It gets better.
She then tries to somehow mitigate the situation,
"My sister breast feeds! Its a natural beautiful thing, there's nothing wrong w it, but she covers herself, not w her boobs exposed"
Oh Kim, by the first tweet you should have stopped. Now you have about, mmm, let's say, a billion tweets by outraged lactvists with your name or a hashtag resembling #KimKisagainstbfing.
I find it absolutely comical that a woman with a show such as hers, that promotes the showing of breasts (and more) finds it offensive when a mother breastfeeds without a cover... but then again, oh right, these two things I have sitting in my bra aren't meant to be seen with a child attached to them. Silly me. Moving on.
Kim, Kimberly, I think it's time you wake up and smell the coffee. If prancing around exposing your breasts and cleavage to the whole world is acceptable to you, but nursing without a cover isn't, you gotta get your priorities in order.
I hope she apologizes, if not, well, for that one second that I read her tweet and found it ridiculous, I wasted my time.
Saturday, October 29, 2011 | Posted by Admin at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Pregnancy post Weight Loss Baby care and food
>Pregnancy post offter 6 months Weight Loss
Make A Successful Weight Loss Just By Drinking Water - Maybe The Easiest Weight Loss Method
Well, you may have heard it before - you can lose weight just by drinking pure plain water. Do you think it is like that? Yes, it is, you can lose weight just by drinking water. I will explain why it is so.
There are studies that show that just by drinking water your metabolism will increase with up to 30 percentages. That is quite impressive, isn't it? To make your weight loss possible you need to drink eight glasses of water every day, and if you have lots of overweight you need to drink a few glasses more.
If you live in a warm climate or if you exercise very intensive you need to drink more than the eight glasses. You maybe think that eight glasses is much water to drink, but you shouldn't drink it at the same time; instead you need to spread it out throughout the day.
Drinking water is not only great for your weight loss. Just by drinking lots of water you will look better because and your skin will become more glowing. Your muscles will work more effective when you exercise which will lead to a better shaped body.
A few tips about how you should act when you decide to lose weight just by drinking water:
Start every morning with a glass of water.
Drink a glass of water before every meal.
Drink lukewarm water, it may be easier to drink lots of water when it isn't cold.
Add a slice of lemon if you don't like the taste of the water.
Avoid drinking just before you go to bed.
Drinking water is a cheap and very effective way to lose weight, but often you need to add some diet and exercise to make your weight loss effective.
Posted by Admin at 2:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby care and food
International Giveaway of Gratitude
>I had my daughter at 19 years of age. I was determined to breastfeed and like most first time mothers, I experienced problems in the beginning. My nipples were cracked and bleeding, and I was at the point of giving up. Our local non-profit breastfeeding organization, Fundacion Pro Lechi Mama Aruba, is what saved me and my breastfeeding relationship. I called day after day, with questions and worries and they did their utmost to quell my fears. They even visited me at no cost, and I remain eternally grateful. I went on to breastfeed my daughter for over a year. I recognize that it is organizations like these that help our mothers. Women dedicated to other women and their babies.
That is why, I wanted to give back to them. I wanted to show them how much I appreciate it that they help others, tirelessly, around the clock. To encourage others to support and show their appreciation for their local non-profit organization that supports breastfeeding, I decided to host a giveaway, a giveaway of gratitude. This giveaway will benefit the organizations, and ultimately, the mothers and babies.
I found it pretty practical since I am myself, both a blogger and the owner of a company. So I thought long and hard about which baby carrier I could give away that would please most. Immediately I knew it would be a watersling! Why a watersling? Because it's not just for use in the water, it can also be used as a normal ringsling for those hot summers, to keep your baby carried and cool. Ever since being the first manufacturer of waterslings on Aruba, they have made a huge hit! But of course, what would you expect on an island!
This giveaway, however, is special. Your usual giveaway consists of either liking Facebook pages, leaving comments our following on Twitter. This time, I'm going to ask you to give back to the community.
I decided that it wouldn't be fair to host a give-away that only locals could participate in. The Foundation does not have a Paypal account as yet, just a bank account number. So I decided then that the give-away would be two-fold. One for those abroad, and one for our locals.
I ask that the locals make a donation, and I will ask that those abroad donate to your local non-profit breastfeeding organization. These can be organizations such as La Leche League International, World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) or even if it's your small local non-profit such as Fundacion Lechi Mama Korsou. I have no affiliation with these, and all I want is for nursing mothers and their babies to be cared for and protected.
Let's see these prize Bella Sophia Waterslings
Seablue Bella Sophia mesh Watersling |
Royal Blue Bella Sophia mesh watersling |
Hot Pink Bella Sophia mesh watersling |
Contest Rules
For Those living on Aruba
- Make a donation of minimum 15 Florins to Fundacion Pro Lechi Mama Aruba on their Aruba Bank Account 600.54.08. Address Morgenster # 50
- Email me at info@caribirth.com the amount, your full name and phone number
- Leave a comment below why you would like to win a Bella Sophia Watersling
- Subscribe to BellaSophiaCarriers.com!
- Like CariBirth's (the manufacturer of Bella Sophia Carriers) Facebook Page
- Follow BellaSophiaC on Twitter
- Mention the give-away, on Facebook, Twitter or a blogpost and link back
For those living abroad
- Make a donation of Minimum 15$ to a non-profit breastfeeding organization of your choice, big or small.
- Email me the donation amount and the name of the organization (and if possible their website or email)
- Leave a comment below why you would want to win a Bella Sophia Watersling
- Subscribe to BellaSophiaCarriers.com!
- Like CariBirth's (the manufacturer of Bella Sophia Carriers) Facebook Page
- Follow BellaSophiaC on Twitter
- Mention the give-away, on Facebook, Twitter or in a blogpost and link back
Contest Ends May 1st at 6:00 PM Aruban Time and will be chosen from Random.org
Posted by Admin at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Response From West Jet
>Thank you for taking the time to write to us with your concerns.WestJet has a responsibility to act in the best interests of all guests on a flight. If a guest is engaged in an activity that makes others uncomfortable, or has the potential to make others uncomfortable, flight attendants have a responsibility to engage the guest in an effort to find a solution. Under the circumstances, we believe the solution proposed by our flight attendant was reasonable.
WestJet supports a woman’s right to breastfeed. We also support the rights of all guests on our flights to have a safe and comfortable experience while in our care. If at any time we decide that a situation exists which has the potential to interfere with the comfort of our guests, we have a responsibility to address it.
WestJet does not have a policy on breastfeeding. We do not feel one is required because we fully support it. At no time was Ms. Tarbuck asked to stop breastfeeding. We do not believe it is possible, or even desirable, to have a policy for every possible occurrence or situation that may arise. We believe and trust in our WestJetters, and empower them to make decisions based on common sense and good judgment. WestJet has responded to Ms. Tarbuck’s complaint by apologizing if Ms. Tarbuck felt the request to cover up was unwarranted. However, we believe the decision by our flight attendant was reasonable, and in the best interests of the other guests on the aircraft. Ms. Tarbuck was never asked to stop breastfeeding her child. WestJet supports the right of every woman to feed her child, whether by bottle or breast.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. I hope we can look forward to welcoming you aboard a WestJet flight in the near future.
pecialist-Guest Relations
Posted by Admin at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Salma Hayek Breastfeeds Dying Infant in Africa
What a abeautiful story!!!
Friday, October 28, 2011 | Posted by Admin at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Breastfeeding And Jaundice
>Breastfeeding and Jaundice
Introduction Jaundice is due to a buildup in the blood of bilirubin, a yellow pigment that comes from the breakdown of old red blood cells. It is normal for old red blood cells to break down, but the bilirubin formed does not usually cause jaundice because the liver metabolizes it and gets rid of it into the gut. The newborn baby, however, often becomes jaundiced during the first few days because the liver enzyme that metabolizes bilirubin is relatively immature. Furthermore, newborn babies have more red blood cells than adults, and thus more are breaking down at any one time; as well many of these cells are different from adult red cells and they don’t live as long. All of this means more bilirubin will be made in the newborn baby’s body. If the baby is premature, or stressed from a difficult birth, or the infant of a diabetic mother, or more than the usual number of red blood cells are breaking down (as can happen in blood incompatibility), the level of bilirubin in the blood may rise higher than usual levels.
Two Types of Jaundice
The liver changes bilirubin so that it can be eliminated from the body (the changed bilirubin is now called conjugated, direct reacting, or water soluble bilirubin--all three terms mean essentially the same thing). If, however, the liver is functioning poorly, as occurs during some infections, or the tubes that transport the bilirubin to the gut are blocked, this changed bilirubin may accumulate in the blood and also cause jaundice. When this occurs, the changed bilirubin appears in the urine and turns the urine brown. This brown urine is an important clue that the jaundice is not “ordinary”. Jaundice due to conjugated bilirubin is always abnormal, frequently serious and needs to be investigated thoroughly and immediately. Except in the case of a few extremely rare metabolic diseases, breastfeeding can and should continue.
Accumulation of bilirubin before it has been changed by the enzyme of the liver may be normal— “physiologic jaundice” (this bilirubin is called unconjugated, indirect reacting or fat soluble bilirubin). Physiologic jaundice begins about the second day of the baby's life, peaks on the third or fourth day and then begins to disappear. However, there may be other conditions that may require treatment that can cause an exaggeration of this type of jaundice. Because these conditions have no association with breastfeeding, breastfeeding should continue. If, for example, the baby has severe jaundice due to rapid breakdown of red blood cells, this is not a reason to take the baby off the breast. Breastfeeding should continue in such a circumstance.
So-Called Breastmilk Jaundice
There is a condition commonly called breastmilk jaundice. No one knows what the cause of breastmilk jaundice is. In order to make this diagnosis, the baby should be at least a week old, though interestingly, many of the babies with breastmilk jaundice also have had exaggerated physiologic jaundice. The baby should be gaining well, with breastfeeding alone, having lots of bowel movements, passing plentiful, clear urine and be generally well (see the information sheet Is my Baby Getting Enough Milk? and see also the video clips at the website nbci.ca). In such a setting, the baby has what some call breastmilk jaundice, though, on occasion, infections of the urine or an under functioning of the baby's thyroid gland, as well as a few other even rarer illnesses may cause the same picture. Breastmilk jaundice peaks at 10-21 days, but may last for two or three months. Breastmilk jaundice is normal. Rarely, if ever, does breastfeeding need to be discontinued even for a short time. Only very occasionally is any treatment, such as phototherapy, necessary. There is not one bit of evidence that this jaundice causes any problem at all for the baby. Breastfeeding should not be discontinued “in order to make a diagnosis”. If the baby is truly doing well on breast only, there is no reason, none, to stop breastfeeding or supplement even if the supplementation is given with a lactation aid, for that matter. The notion that there is something wrong with the baby being jaundiced comes from the fact that the formula feeding baby is the model we think is the one that describes normal infant feeding and we impose it on the breastfed baby and mother. This manner of thinking, almost universal amongst health professionals, truly turns logic upside down. Thus, the formula feeding baby is rarely jaundiced after the first week of life, and when he is, there is usually something wrong. Therefore, the baby with so called breastmilk jaundice is a concern and “something must be done”. However, in our experience, most exclusively breastfed babies who are perfectly healthy and gaining weight well are still jaundiced at five to six weeks of life and even later. The question, in fact, should be whether or not it is normal not to be jaundiced and is this absence of jaundice something we should worry about? Do not stop breastfeeding for “breastmilk” jaundice.
Not-Enough-Breastmilk Jaundice
Higher than usual levels of bilirubin or longer than usual jaundice may occur because the baby is not getting enough milk. This may be due to the fact that the mother's milk takes longer than average to “come in” (but if the baby feeds well in the first few days this should not be a problem), or because hospital routines limit breastfeeding or because, most likely, the baby is poorly latched on and thus not getting the milk which is available (see the information sheet Is my Baby Getting Enough Milk? and see also the video clips at the website nbci.ca). When the baby is getting little milk, bowel movements tend to be scanty and infrequent so that the bilirubin that was in the baby's gut gets reabsorbed into the blood instead of leaving the body with the bowel movements. Obviously, the best way to avoid "not-enough-breastmilk jaundice" is to get breastfeeding started properly (see the information sheet Breastfeeding—Starting Out Right). Definitely, however, the first approach to not-enough-breastmilk jaundice is not to take the baby off the breast or to give bottles (see the information sheet Protocol to Manage Breastmilk Intake). If the baby is breastfeeding well, more frequent feedings may be enough to bring the bilirubin down more quickly, though, in fact, nothing really needs be done. If the baby is breastfeeding poorly, helping the baby latch on better may allow him to breastfeed more effectively and thus receive more milk. Compressing the breast to get more milk into the baby may help (see the information sheet Breast Compression). If latching and breast compression alone do not work, a lactation aid would be appropriate to supplement feedings (see the information sheet Lactation Aid). See also the information sheet: Protocol to Manage Breastmilk Intake. See also the website nbci.ca for videos to help use the Protocol by showing how to latch a baby on, how to know the baby is getting milk, how to use compressions, as well as other information on breastfeeding.
Phototherapy (Bilirubin Lights)
Phototherapy increases the fluid requirements of the baby. If the baby is breastfeeding well, more frequent feeding can usually make up this increased requirement. However, if it is felt that the baby needs more fluids, use a lactation aid to supplement, preferably expressed breastmilk, expressed milk with sugar water or sugar water alone rather than formula.
Questions? First look at the website nbci.ca or drjacknewman.com. If the information you need is not there, go to Contact Us and give us the information listed there in your email. Information is also available in Dr. Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding (called The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers in the USA); and/or our DVD, Dr. Jack Newman’s Visual Guide to Breastfeeding (available in French or with subtitles in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian); and/or The Latch Book and Other Keys to Breastfeeding Success; and/or L-eat Latch and Transfer Tool; and/or the GamePlan for Protecting and Supporting Breastfeeding in the First 24 Hours of Life and Beyond.
To make an appointment online with our clinic please visit www.nbci.ca. If you do not have easy access to email or internet, you may phone (416) 498-0002.
Breastfeeding and Jaundice, 2009©
Written and revised (under other names) by Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC, 1995-2005©
Revised by Jack Newman MD, FRCPC, IBCLC and Edith Kernerman, IBCLC, 2008, 2009©
Posted by Admin at 2:24 AM 0 comments
Baby Skin Care,baby care and food
>Taking proper care of baby is always a significant affair in every mother's life. Babies are delicate, and all the mothers should put in extra effort while handling the baby.
Especially if you are a first-time mother, you must know the pros and cons of baby care before you start handling your baby. A consultation with the paediatrician is also beneficial for that matter. Browsing through the net can also help you in finding out baby care tips.
Baby Skin Care
Baby skin is always very sensitive. So the mothers need to be extra cautious while choosing the baby skin product for their little ones. Here are some tips which you can follow in your baby skin care schedule:
* Use a good oil and massage your baby's skin in a proper manner. You can consult your paediatrician to learn the right way of massaging babies.
* Use a soft baby soap while bathing your baby. Harsh soaps are detrimental to the baby's skin.
* Use baby lotion or moisturizer for moisturizing your baby's skin.
* Do not apply talcum or baby powder on diaper rashes. Instead apply ointment containing zinc oxide on the affected areas.
Baby Hair Care
Like skin care, proper hair care is also a must for the babies. Newborns have gentle hair which needs to be kept neat and clean. Shampooing is extremely necessary for clean hair. But you need not shampoo your baby's hair everyday. It has to be done at regular intervals. Take care of the following guidelines while shampooing your baby:
* First and foremost, use must choose a mild shampoo for your baby. Take a little shampoo and massage it gently on your baby's scalp before you wash it off.
* Make sure that the shampoo does not get into the eyes of your little one.
* See that no tangles are formed in the hair while washing it.
Trim your baby's hair on regular basis to avoid unnecessary tangling.
Baby care| Baby food|Baby health| Baby skin| Baby massage|
Posted by Admin at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baby skin, baby skin care