When the topic comes up about breastfeeding, there will always be a mother who says that it was "too much" for her, or that she 'couldn't take it anymore'. I nod, and I think quietly to myself 'really?'. I'm not calling you lazy or any other thing you find offensive, but I wonder why so many women go through so many other inconveniences for the sake of their child, but stop short at breastfeeding. Why do women think or give themselves the permission to be 'selfish' in this area? Labor is extremely inconvenient where pain and time is concerned, but... you can't really choose not to go into labor... (oh wait.. yes you can... elective c/s) In any case, why did you go through 3 months of morning sickness, one month of esophagus dissolving heartburn, and take it? You accepted it. You said, if this is what I have to endure to have a baby, I'll take it. Most women don't even think twice about it, it's 'just something you do'. You finally do have that baby, breastfeeding isn't going so well, you're tired, your nipples feel like shards of glass and your baby turns out to be a baby who just cries a lot. You are fed up and done with this breastfeeding business. "Leave it for the martyrs!" you think. I'm done! And then you stop, you think, you remember the last (although painful) nursing session you had, the smile your baby had on as she drifted into a nursing induced sleep, and you know how good it's doing your baby. How even though, you are temporarily suffering an inconvenience, you continue...
Breastfeeding is not an act of 'self-induced affliction', nor are women who persist, martyrs or heroes. We're just doing what we gotta do.............
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