>I have often wondered when and how formula came into the making. And how Western Society came to be Anti-Breastfeeding ( including Aruba). A few nights ago, as I lay in my bed studying the book "Childbirth Education - Practice, Research and Theory" I stumbled upon the introductory of baby formula, and the down fall of breastfeeding. I thought, This is it! This is going in a blog! Every mother, expectant parents, breastfeeding moms and bottle feeding moms need to know the history of breast milk substitutes. Here it is
With this increased acceptance of human milk substitutes as convenient and "scientific", breastfeeding rates began to steadily drop. Initiations rates in the United States reached an all-time low of 24.7% in 1971, with less than 10% of mothers continuing as long as 3 months (Martinez & Nalenzienski, 1979).

This next part made me cringe in horror.
Newborns were often times not offered the breast or any other milk product for 12 to 24+ hours after birth. They likely would be given glucose water two or three times to test the competency of their esophagus and their ability to handle fluid intake before a chance was taken that they might aspirate formula or breast milk. Care providers were unaware that should a rare case of esophageal atresia cause aspiration, mother's milk was a more biologically compatible fluid if it entered the lungs than was the glucose water being used as a test fluid.
"In restrospect, it would be difficult to have designed a health care system more damaging to breastfeeding than the one described."

Given a misplaced fear of creating sore nipples, mothers were encouraged to breastfeed for only 3 and then 5 minutes at a time for several days. This timing might have been just long enough to create a milk ejection. Then the infant was removed, increasing the likelyhood of engorgement for the mother and the need for alternative feedings for the hungry baby. (Moon & Humenick, 1989). In the 1960s, after infants went home, they were frequently given solid foods beginning at about 2-4 weeks of age. Little thought was given to the fact that the rapidly growing infant needed calcium and other nutrients contained in breast milk, more than the nutrients in cereal or other baby foods. It was common to hear a mother say she could not breastfeed because her physician told her that her milk was "too thin" or that it was "too rich". Only manufactured milks were considered by many to be scientifically and reliably formulated and readily measured. Indeed,breast milk was portrayed as somewhat risky because the content and quantity were not readily observable.
The variety of practices that effectively sabotaged breastfeeding was only slowly replaced as researchers began to document more effective care to promote breastfeeding. In many settings, a number of cited harmful practices carried over well into the 1980s, and vestiges can still be readily found as we enter the 21st century, especially here in Aruba. In restrospect, it would be difficult to have designed a health care system more damaging to breastfeeding than the one described. Furthermore, some of the same maternity care practices have been spread to third-world countries that have looked to the industrialized nations for leadership in health care.
That, ladies and gentleman.. is the early history of formula and the downfall of breastfeeding....
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