Soy Formula Unsafe for Babies

Soy Formula Unsafe for Babies: Myths and Truths About Soy
July 16, 2010By Augie
Avoid Soy Prod­ucts– Espe­cially Baby Formula
UPDATE: Did you know that Health Depart­ments all over the nation are now pro­mot­ing raw milk. I have seen bill­boards about the ben­e­fits? The raw milk I am refer­ring to is human breast milk! When breast­feed­ing is not pos­si­ble, health care folks rec­om­mend formula–including soy for­mula. The Amer­i­can Den­tal Asso­ci­a­tion warns NOT to mix flu­o­ri­dated city water with dehy­drated for­mula mix due to the toxic effects of the flu­o­ride. But Ger­ber con­tin­ues to add flu­o­ride to bot­tled water for babies as par­ents erro­neously believe it pre­vents cav­i­ties. But when it comes to soy for­mu­las, I wanted to rerun this arti­cle tonight.– Augie


I don’t know about you, but I like most Myths and Truths arti­cles. They are easy to read and sets things in con­trast to what we have been told. I just hope the attor­neys at the ADM cor­po­ra­tion does not sic their PR staff on me. I don’t think the nasty soy car­tel will appre­ci­ate this arti­cle, espe­cially the part that soy for­mula for babies is not safe.Oh. I almost for­got. Most soy beans are genet­i­cally mod­i­fied. (Arti­cle cour­tesy of The Weston A. Price Foun­da­tion– a fab­u­lous site on nutrition)

Myths & Truths About Soy
NOTE: These Myths & Truths as well as our sum­mary of soy dan­gers are pro­vided on our Soy Alert! tri­fold brochure (PDF). You may print this at home or at a copy store for mass dis­tri­b­u­tion. If you wish, you can order quan­ti­ties of pro­fes­sion­ally printed two-color tri­fold brochures for 25 cents each by using the Order Form.

Myth: Use of soy as a food dates back many thou­sands of years.

Truth: Soy was first used as a food dur­ing the late Chou dynasty (1134–246 BC), only after the Chi­nese learned to fer­ment soy beans to make foods like tem­peh, natto and tamari.

Myth: Asians con­sume large amounts of soy foods.

Truth: Aver­age con­sump­tion of soy foods in Japan and China is 10 grams (about 2 tea­spoons) per day. Asians con­sume soy foods in small amounts as a condi­ment, and not as a replace­ment for ani­mal foods.

Myth: Mod­ern soy foods con­fer the same health ben­e­fits as tra­di­tion­ally fer­mented soy foods.

Truth: Most mod­ern soy foods are not fer­mented to neu­tral­ize tox­ins in soy­beans, and are processed in a way that dena­tures pro­teins and increases lev­els of carcinogens.

Myth: Soy foods pro­vide com­plete protein.

Truth: Like all legumes, soy beans are defi­cient in sulfur-containing amino acids methio­n­ine and cys­tine. In addi­tion, mod­ern pro­cess­ing dena­tures frag­ile lysine.

Myth: Fer­mented soy foods can pro­vide vit­a­min B12 in veg­e­tar­ian diets.

Truth: The com­pound that resem­bles vit­a­min B12 in soy can­not be used by the human body; in fact, soy foods cause the body to require more B12

Myth: Soy for­mula is safe for infants.

Truth: Soy foods con­tain trypsin inhibitors that inhibit pro­tein diges­tion and affect pan­cre­atic func­tion. In test ani­mals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors led to stunted growth and pan­cre­atic dis­or­ders. Soy foods increase the body’s require­ment for vit­a­min D, needed for strong bones and nor­mal growth. Phytic acid in soy foods results in reduced bioavail­abilty of iron and zinc which are required for the health and devel­op­ment of the brain and ner­vous sys­tem. Soy also lacks cho­les­terol, like­wise essen­tial for the devel­op­ment of the brain and ner­vous sys­tem. Mega­doses of phy­toe­stro­gens in soy for­mula have been impli­cated in the cur­rent trend toward increas­ingly pre­ma­ture sex­ual devel­op­ment in girls and delayed or retarded sex­ual devel­op­ment in boys.

Con­tinue read­ing: There are more doozies at